Project 365 #01: Love Bombing

By The Bug (mostly)

We started joining in with Project 365 – taking and publishing a photo a day – at The Boy and Me in 2011. We tried, but failed to keep going, consistency not always a guarantee with us. Sensibly, we didn’t even sign up in 2012, but as this blog has become more successful, we have increased our brand-related posts, at the expense of some of the anecdotal stories of our family life. That is a shame.

And so 2014 sees us joining in again. Just one photo each week. Sometimes with a story behind it, sometimes not. This weekend has seen GG and Daddy head off to Skegness for a 100 years of Brownie’s celebration at Butlins. Heaven knows what state my Dad’s head is in!

Love Bombing

I have stayed home with Mummy. We’ve been ‘love-bobbing.’ This involves just me and Mummy, no interruptions, and the word No is not allowed. Which means Mummy has retrieved random bits of LEGO from my drawer and re-created long-forgotten Star Wars models. She has consented to my wearing pyjamas all day, having ice-cream for tea, and time on the iPad. We rigged up the TV in her bedroom and ate Quality Street in bed together watching DVD’s.

The theory behind Love Bombing is that I become more lovely and amenable as a result of having a parent all to myself, and being properly spoiled – always understanding that normal rules resume when our allotted time is over. There are parameters, and one of those was the ski lesson that was already in the diary. I had to do that, and I had to try my hardest (we are Mark Warner ski ambassadors this year). So I did. Here is me learning to ski backwards!

I’m not the most gung-ho of sportsmen, favouring self-preservation over adventure, so incentives to persevere are sometimes required. But today I went for it. There were nerves, there were falls, there was a request to go back to the trainer slope (that fell on my instructor’s deaf ears), but I kept going. When my card was filled out at the end of my lesson, I had moved up 2 levels. 2 whole levels in one lesson! I declared myself awesome, and requested a treat from the vending machine. Of course, Mummy had to say yes ๐Ÿ˜€

Why a weekend of Love Bombing resulted in massive achievement

Pleased with myself!

34 thoughts on “Project 365 #01: Love Bombing”

  1. It is so nice to see you joining in again *waves* this will be my 3rd year!
    I think your LOve Bombing day sounds awesome anf look at Bug’s face – if a photo speaks a thousand words then that photo says a million!!! and well done on the skiiing – you will be whooping mummy and daddy’s ski bum’s down the slope as they enjoy getting piste lol xxx

    • Yes, I’m not sure how it would work with a toddler, but if they can understand that this is just for today/this afternoon/as a special treat then I’m sure it can be done

  2. The backwards ski-ing video is awesome and love bombing is just inspired. I hope you all had a wonderful break and the festive period treated you well. Really looking forward to seeing your photo each week. Thank you for sharing with #whatsthestory. Here’s to a brilliant 2014 ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I really need to give Sophie some love bombing but am struggling to give it with baby taking most of my attention then Sophie acting up to get attention just makes it the last thing i want to do maybe when ella is a little less demanding ill try this

    • Ah it’s so hard with a baby. Even an hour or two helps though – I remember taking GG out for lunch, just me and her, when The Bug was only a few weeks old. I was a wreck, but it really helped her to know I was still there for her.

  4. I bought the love bombing book, and never read it. It’s on my list for this year.

    Good look with the skiing, is that Milton Keynes? I have lots of happy memories from there.

  5. Oh I love this idea. I may have to give love-bombing a go with the boy. I dread to think what he may ask for though! Thanks so much for sharing with the Monday pin it party. Have pinned and shared ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. This is the bomb! As it were. No wonder you want to do. In bed? Watching a film? With Quality street?! I’m coming around next time too (I’ll just keep a low profile so I don’t get in the way of your bonding!).

    Did you find that it helped? It clearly did before hand (that was an amazing effort with the skiing and I will be trying this trick on Gabriella this weekend with her swimming!) but can you tell afterwards? Out of interest ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    • He was absolutely adorable all weekend. He did start to throw a strop the next day but I gave him a good talking to, and it seemed to sink in, so fingers crossed he is making some connections.

  7. Love the idea of love bombing. We try and have ‘special time’ (10 mins uninterpreted 1:1 time) every day but often doesn’t happen; when we do it regularly def notice a difference in behaviour. I like the idea of something ‘intensive’. Thanks for joining in the parenting pin it party ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I am so pleased to see you back in the Project again as I really enjoyed your 2012 project. I think Bug has done magnificently with his skiing, I have the sense of balance of a drunk skunk.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  9. Fabulous!!

    What a wonderful happy face, giggled at ‘self-preservation’ in sympathy. I tried ‘Love-Bombing’ once to improve Ethan’s behaviour and it worked a treat – even if he didn’t actually behave much better, I felt better ๐Ÿ˜‰ xx


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