Shopping lists: Wot so Funee?

Wot So Funee? Welcome back to Wot so Funee? and a happy new year to you. At the age of 8 my writing is not often funee in the original sense of the word. The Bug is beginning to produce regular funee snippets, so we are looking forward to showcasing his writing very soon. For now, we are laughing at Mummy’s expense, courtesy of moi!

As my writing is legible, and my spellings mostly correct, Mummy takes advantage by asking me to add to our shopping list. As she peels the last carrot, or drizzles the last dregs of olive oil, she sends me to write items down on our list. Sometimes I decorate the list while I’m there, or add my own requests, in the hope that she will absent-mindedly chuck Haribos into the trolley en route to the coffee. Other times I linger for a while, reading the list, checking for atrocious vegetables. This week I doctored it, based on a funee story I remember Mummy once telling:

"funny shopping list"

I shall explain: I am a bizarre child; I like rice. Not just any old rice, none of your Uncle Ben’s light and fluffy for me! I want Tilda steamed basmati brown rice, 2 minutes in the microwave, I could eat a whole packet (as long as it is not spoiled with any kind of sauce)! So yay for Tilda rice. Yay also for treat cereal. We are not allowed sugary cereal in our house, so treat cereal is Coco Pops or Golden Nuggets. We’re allowed one bowl, on a Saturday morning, then it’s back to the Weetabix.

But here’s the #funee: before we were born, Daddy, thinking he was being helpful, took it on himself to do the grocery shopping. Mummy, not liking the word “panty” always just writes “liners” on the shopping list. (Really, these days she could just write Tena, but that’s another story). Guess what Daddy bought? Livers. Chicken livers…

Wot So Funee?Now, if you have your own post to link this week, grab the badge code from the sidebar, and click the link below to enter your post – I can’t wait to see what you have! It’s not obligatory, but if you include a link back here in your own post, I’ll return the favour with a tweet-out. If you’re new here you can check out the Wot So Funee? main page for more info.

25 thoughts on “Shopping lists: Wot so Funee?”

  1. God, not sure the chicken livers would have been much help. Possibly exacerbated the situation….time to change subject methinks

  2. that is hilarious about the livers / liners! I get the kids to write things on the list too and we end up with things like series 4 moshlings, chocolate, crisps, sweeties etc written on there. x

  3. Hilarious. Imagining mixing those up and who on earth would want livers anyway, gross!! I really need to get a funee post written. x


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