Top 5 Gadgets for 7 Year Olds – Listography

Listography at Kate Takes 5 this week is all about gadgets, and I have my top 5 right here. Now I love to read, but girl cannot live by books alone, and when the printed word begins to swim, a little light relief is in order. Fun things that make life easier. Here are my top 5 gadgets: The iPad (iPhone, iTouch, or basically anything ‘i’). Particularly if it accommodates apps concerning Barbie, High School Musical or Moshi Monsters. It fills my car journeys, makes me eat quicker in restaurants, keeps me occupied during boring adult chat, and can even improve mind …

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A Gift for Father’s Day

Every year the Bug and I make something at school as a gift for Father’s Day. Usually colorful, sometimes edible, often unidentifiable, and always heartfelt. This year, in addition to the usual offerings, we gave Daddy a gift which, although inedible and unwearable, surpassed all expectations. We took him to watch Stock Car racing. In the rain. For the uninitiated, this is an event where beaten up cars compete in a series of races for the unenviable privilege of entering a final ‘demolition derby’ – a fight to the death for cars which sometimes only have 2 wheels to begin …

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