My new study space: Wot so Funee?

I’m not a fan of homework. I procrastinate, hopping up for the loo, or a glass of water (I’m not a big fan of water, either but it’s good for flicking at my brother, causing distractions which delay the onset of my study even longer).  I resist homework at all costs. Under pressure I resort to wearing headphones in order to block out distractions. Somehow, listening to One Direction helps me stay in my seat and get my work done; listening to Mummy sing One Direction doesn’t have the same effect. What I really need is a study space of …

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Homework: Wot so Funee?

My daughter is a funny writer. When she puts her mind to it, she can write witty commentary filled with wonderful adjectives and characterisation. But she’s easily bored, and – if I’m going to be more honest than a loving mother ought to be – a tad lazy. Her teachers, enjoying what she writes when inspired, have always seen fit to encourage her into increased written productivity. It hasn’t always worked. Creative writing: This year she has a lovely teacher who has ventured into the dangerous waters of loosening the reins on her creativity. For our recent holiday to Florida, …

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