Living with boys
Pfwooghhrrrsh! Pshew psheww! Pfwooghhrrsh! Living with boys is different, isn’t it? There’s one! I’ve got the perfect Shooter Shocker 2000, if I can juuust. Get. It. Outtatheground. Ooofff! Oh. It’s stuck. That’s so unfair. But look, this one’s even more epic. It’s exactly the right shape. Mummy, you hold the Shooter Shocker while I get the Epicblaster. Pfwooghhrrsh! Pcuuurfff. Pssh psshh! Ok sweetie, that’s enough shooting now, people are looking. School is no place for guns, ok? (Plus I’m slightly embarrassed that I haven’t managed to dislodge this predilection for weapons from your otherwise angelic personality). Is that ok honey? …