School Trip

Overheard on a Reception year school trip…. “When are we going home?” “We just got here.” “Owen, I know you’re in love with me, but Fraser wants to marry me.” “Eeeuw that’s gross, I’m not touching that!” “Fraser’s cute, isn’t he?” “Yeah… there’s a hundred stones in my shoe.” Two bumped heads. Tears. Accusations. Packed lunches: berries in one, Kit-kat in another. Whining. Kit-kat consumed. Sugar rushes. “When’s lunch?” “We’ve just had lunch.” “What was it like?” “This is awesome guys! They’ve got diamonds and a dance ball!” “It’s a leafcutter. Look, it’s got toes.” “Now then children, this is …

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Just Get Him a Puppy! Dear So and So…

The puppy discussions have reached epic proportions in the Actually Mummy household this week, so I have decided to wade in and complete the trilogy of Dear So and So letters…. Dear Bug….. Do not worry. Mummy has promised not to get you a Coral Snake, therefore it will not bite your puppy and he will not run inside and hide. Coral snakes are poisonous and will actually kill your puppy. What you want is a Milk Snake – they’re fine….Always here to help, your very intelligent sister x Dear Rhino…. Do you realise what you have done by bringing …

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On not getting a puppy: Why show and tell is dangerous

Mummy doesn’t get out on this blog much,  as it is MINE! But allow me to indulge her today and read what she has to say for a change. Pleaaase? Dear The Bug’s Teacher….. We.Are.Not.Getting.A. Puppy. End of. Don’t believe him when he says it is really cute, and that he will be bringing it in for ‘show and tell’ soon, because it does not exist. Love, Mrs Bugged. Dear Schoolmums….. We.Are.Not.Getting.A.Puppy. You can stop texting me now asking when you and your children can come and visit our new puppy. It does not exist. Love, the harrassed one on …

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