What Santa said to the Tooth Fairy

What Santa said to the Tooth Fairy

I know we’re well into January now, and by rights I should be posting recipies involving brown rice, or decluttering tips. Heck, it’s even too late for New Year resolutions now! Which it just as well, because I didn’t make any… I’m terrifically tardy, but I’m going to bend your ear about Christmas, because really, this is one conversation I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share. What Santa said to the Tooth Fairy Prologue A week before Christmas, the wobbly tooth began to feature. Apples and carrots were requested, not to store up for the reindeer, but to force …

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Tooth Fairy Misadventure (part 2): Wot so Funee?

I lost a couple of teeth this week. I’d forgotten about the Tooth Fairy, and her nocturnal burglaries, it’s been that long since we’ve had cause to communicate. There was a time when the Tooth Fairy rocked my entire world, but since Jasmine told me in the back of the car one day that it’s all a myth, and our parents are liars, I’d kind of put her out of my mind. But a tooth became wobbly at school and I secured that bloody tissue I’d often envied friends for in the past. So I gave it a go and …

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Tooth Fairy Misadventures (part 1)

In addition to this blog, I am writing a nightly journal. My first entry attempts to encapsulate the first 6 years of my life succinctly, so that I can move on to the cataloguing of  present-day events. As you will see below, a certain mythical friend has taken on a significance of epic proportions in my opening statement The Tooth Fairy (or T.F. as she is known in our household) has become something of an infatuation recently. She has made 2 visits to our house this week already, and I am currently working hard on securing another nocturnal stopover from her. …

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