Teenage Kicks – 5 Things I Wish My Parents Knew, by a 2020 Teenager

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about teenagers but never dared ask


Parents, have you ever wondered what’s really going on in your teen’s head? And if you’re a teenager, do you find yourself thinking “I wish my parents knew what life is really like for me?” Well this week on the Teenage Kicks podcast I have a rather exciting guest – an actual, real, live teenager who’s going to tell parents some common teenage thoughts, and answer the questions I put to her as the parent of teens!

Kk is a teen podcaster, and she reached out to me because she wanted parents to understand real teenage thoughts and feelings about things like bullying, friendships, and school. She talked to me about growing up with social media, and the impact it has on teenagers’ mental health.


What teenagers wish parents knew about their kids

  1. Not everything needs to be academic
  2. We are going to experiment
  3. We need your support
  4. Being a teen is hard
  5. Lessons teens need to learn from their parents; Kk says

Listen to the episode to find out what Kk has to say about all of this and more.

Ask a teenager

I also asked Kk the questions parents been burning to know the answers to:

  • What’s really going on in our teens’ minds when they look unhappy to us, and why they sometimes shrug off our concerns
  • How common is it to view porn, and does it put pressure on girls to have sex before they’re ready?
  • What impact does peer pressure really have on teens’ drug and alcohol use?
  • Are parents worrying too much about screen time?

Kk also has some brilliant things to say to teenagers themselves about how to navigate a life that can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming.

“Be a leader, not a follower in your own life.”

Have a listen to her episode on insecurities here.

More from Kk

Kk is a teen podcaster and host of the Insider Scoop podcast. She is also an aspiring talk show host, who shares her passion of entertaining and motivating others  through her compelling stories and discussions on different topics. During Kk’s free time she enjoys spending time with family and friends, along with staying active. You can find more from Kk on Instagram.

So if you’ve ever found yourself tearing your hair out and thinking “I wish my teenager would understand” this is the podcast for you. Have a listen to the episode for lots of advice for teenagers and their families, from a real teen, as well as reassurance that our message is getting through, and us parents are not getting it all wrong!

Listen to the podcast:

You can find the episode in your usual podcast app, or if you prefer, you can listen online below, or through the podcast page.



Subscribe to the Teenage Kicks podcast

Thank you so much for listening! Subscribe now to the Teenage Kicks podcast to hear about the new series when it begins. I’ll be talking to some fabulous guests about difficult things that happened to them as teenagers – including losing a parent, being hospitalised with mental health problems, and battling an eating disorder – and how they overcame things to move on with their lives.

I’d love to hear from you if you have any suggestions for future topics on the Teenage Kicks podcast. Just email me on teenagekicks@gmail.com, or you can find me on Instagram and Twitter at @iamhelenwills. I appreciate every message, and love to hear from my listeners.

I’d love it if you’d rate and review the podcast on iTunes too – it would really help other people to find it. You can also find more from me on parenting teenagers on my blog Actually Mummy, and on Instagram and Twitter @iamhelenwills.

For information on your data privacy please visit Podcast.co. Please note that I am not a medical expert, and nothing in this blog or in the podcast should be taken as medical advice. If you’re worried about a young person please seek support from a medical professional.


Join me in the Teenage Kicks Facebook group!

If you’re a parent of teens it can be difficult to know where to go for advice, to vent, or just to talk. So I’ve made the Teenage Kicks Facebook group, for all parents of teenagers to chat in a safe space. You can request to join by clicking the button below. It’s a private group and everyone in there will be a parent of teenagers.

And if you’re stuck for how to engage with your teenager, this list of things for teens to do might be helpful.

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