To-do lists: Wot so Funee?

*Clears throat importantly* I know you’re all dying to read Wot so Funee? but first Mummy has an announcement…

Yes, the Mad Blog Awards 2013 are now open for nominations! Last year we were lucky enough to win the MADs in the Best Schooldays category. We had the time of our lives and are so grateful to everyone who reads and shares this blog for making that possible. Of course, we would love to enter again, but that is up to you. If you think Actually Mummy is deserving of an award this year, we’d love a nomination in any or all of the following categories:

    • MAD Blog of the Year
    • Most Entertaining Blog
    • Best Family Life Blog
    • Best Schooldays Blog

By all means nominate us for best Food blog too if you’re a fan of our Beetroot Cake, but leave me out of Best Pregnancy Blog, won’t you 😉 How about you? Are you a blogger who would like to be nominated? Do please feel free to give me a gentle nudge in the comments and I’ll see what I can do! Now, on with the #funees:


Wot So Funee?

On the last day of the school holidays after Christmas, we made a To-Do list. We wanted to make sure we filled our day, and didn’t miss out any of the final fling  activities we hadn’t had time for over the previous 2 weeks. Mummy thought it amusing, although we did it all, regardless!

"Post-Christmas to-do list"


  1. Mummy agreed to quite a lot of time playing Just Dance 4 on the Wii (a gift from Santa) because she claims it can be legitimately claimed as an exercise session. (I have a  sneaking suspicion that she trots home after school drop-off to practice; I know because she is now capable of beating me on all except the One Direction routines…)
  2. Where my brother found the desire to listen to the News is perplexing
  3. We made the smoothie. Correction: I made the smoothie – berry blitz, delicious!
  4. Mummy added a couple of her ideas to the list; she did blog, but we never got round to dunking the Bug’s head in the sandpit.
  5. My own illuminating plan did actually come to fruition, after much angst on behalf of the Bug, and the result will be fully featured in next week’s funee post.

Wot So Funee?Now, if you have your own post to link this week, grab the badge code from the sidebar, and click the link below to enter your post – I can’t wait to see what you have! It’s not obligatory, but if you include a link back here in your own post, I’ll return the favour with a tweet-out. If you’re new here you can check out the Wot So Funee? main page for more info.

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"berry yoghurt smoothie"


30 thoughts on “To-do lists: Wot so Funee?”

  1. I remember playing Just Dance at a kids birthday party last year and got completely worn out – it definitely counts as exercise!!

    *Here’s my polite wave that I’d quite like to be nominated for Best New Blog…but I know there’s a lot of competition out there!*

  2. This is such a fun idea! I like that “eat chocolate” and “not get dressed” are top of the list. My kind of day lol 😀

  3. Gin up that smoothie and bring it round pls! Lol 😉 x and yes! The MADs! The MADness! The MADnificence! (Ok I’ll stop) x I could be bribed 😉 with the aforementioned smoothie perhaps… Lol x *whispers* I was going to vote for u anyway but shhh… Don’t tell anyone… Ha! :))) x I might have my sights on most entertaining or best newbie perhaps! Keeping my little fingers crossed 😉 xxx

  4. Haha, eat chocolate and not get dressed – very wise things to have on your list!!

    I must try that Just Dance, Amy has JD1 and 2 so I might give it a whirl. Then again, I might just eat chocolate instead.

    CJ x

  5. What a great list! Eat chocolate, watch TV, stay in PJs… can I move in?
    Obvs have voted for you in the MADs, started this journey with you and will stick around until the very end x

  6. Haha brill! We love Just Dance. Have you tried Dance on Broadway? It’s got the Bend and Snap from Legally Blonde!

    I’d love to be nominated for MADS as best new blog or best baby blog but I will be shocked if I’m lucky enough to get any nominations!

    Sorry for no Wot So Funee – but been in hospital so could only come up with Not so Funee!

    PS. I’ve nominated you! How could I not? 🙂 xx

  7. I am very impressed – do love a good to do list!
    Don’t think I’m even in the running for an award but will certainly be nominating you 🙂

    • Ah you’re a star! You do know you can (and should) nominate yourself, don’t you? I nominated myself as best new blogger after my 3rd ever post! I even got a congrats message from the MADs letting me know I’d nominated myself….

  8. Great List. Made me chuckle. I am sure you’re due another award for your fab blog 🙂

    We would love a lil nomination in the Best Baby Blog catergory. Though we appreciate there are soooo many fab blogs out there.

  9. Lists Rool! – BTW Will definitely be nominating you – am just screwing up the courage to nominate myself too! Which I think is allowed but seems rather forward – might have to shut eyes and briefly become not English in order to manage such self promotion (being braver is on my NY res. list).


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