When I grow up
When I’m 30 years old I will live 1 kilometre from my current home. I will live in a mountain, on a house. Hmmm. You need to have a rethink darling. We live in Hertfordshire; there are no mountains here, and all you will find within one kilometre is a 1950’s housing estate and 5 Tesco metros. Unless of course your mountain is metaphorical, which it would have to be, were you to actually build it on top of a house. I do hope the house in question is not our current abode – I think a mountain might actually crush us. Though it would be nice to have you drop in for Sunday lunch.
I will be married. I will have 2 kids and a dog named Bob. I will have the same best friend I have right now. I will listen to the same kind of music I listen to right now. I will have the same basic haircut I have now. I will be in really excellent shape. Great, that sounds a lot like a normal life. Although I should point out that having 2 kids and being in excellent shape are mutually exclusive 😉
I will work as a dolphin trainer and I will make 100,100,000 dollars a year. Oh thank goodness. So when your mountain house caves in our roof I’ll just send the repair bill to you then.
I will be 2 metres 10 centimetres tall. Sheesh that’s going to cost me a lot in groceries when you’re a teenager!
I will take a bus to work every day. What? You’re a multi-millionaire darling. You’ll have a limo. Besides, the buses round here only go the the Tesco metro.
I will have visited 17 different countries. Uh-oh, that sounds like a very expensive gap year…
I decided all of this using the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do it Yourself book (which for your information, we bought with our own money, so there). I entertain my family regularly from the back of the car with my scribblings on its pages. The Bug is perfecting his eye-roll…
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😀 I expect when she’s 40 she’ll be very, very old, ancient in fact!
Yeah, way older than me. Ahem.
I’m back joining in again. I’m going with a monthly round up of the toddler hilarity from our house (I hope thats okay?)
I love your post. Such ambitions! I always find it funny how children view grown up life. When I was a kid, I really thought you got married at 18 because it was so grown up, and you definitely had kids by 20, otherwise you were well past it. But then I also thought that being a fairy was an actual career choice!!! x
Ah, but you are a very beautiful fairy Lucy 😉
Love it, so funny. Who knew dolphin trainers had such a cushy number? Doing something lovely and being paid a mint; I definitely made the wrong career choice 😉 Great post. I’ve linked up with an older post comparing being a mum to Rocky’s training regime (probably because the summer hols have felt like Boot Camp) 😉 x
This made me LOL, what a fabulously innocent mind! I need to invest in this little book! hahaha
I suspect we will be seeing much more as she works her way through it!
This looks like a lot of fun! I’ll have to get it when the boys are old enough to understand the questions, though we might get some hilarious answers right now from Andrew 🙂
I’ve finally joined back in. Love your one, such an innocent mind and so funny. Love it x
Oh, brilliant. We have this book and the 7yo has spent hours pouring over it… Haven’t had a look at his scribblings recently, must hunt it out 🙂 We should all be dolphin trainers it would appear! Clearly where I went wrong…
Great fodder for Wot so funee? ;:
On the way home from preschool yesterday B told me she was starting school and then she would go to work when she was older. I asked her what she wants to do when she is older and she said “what you do Mummy”. Unfortunately I didn’t find out what she thinks I do.
Oh interview her! I bet it would be a genius blog post!
Ahhh I wonder if the bus will let her on if she’s over 2 metres tall? 😉
Never mind that, she’ll not be allowed on the rides at Thorpe Park – devastating!
Brilliant. She will love looking back at that when she is 30! I can remember when I was in primary school writing about the year 2000, I said I would be driving a red sports car – never mind that I would only be 16!
And are you now? 😉
Oh to be able to remember what I thought I would be at that age! My daughter keeps asking me about my first boyfriend, no idea what goes through their heads sometimes! great book, will check it out.
I threw away my teenager diary because I was so mortified when I read it in my twenties! I wish I’d kept it now
That was so sweet! Who knew dolphin trainers made that kind of money? And I love that she is going to ride the bus to work! Out of the mouths of babes….
They used to have the kids do a little project at school where they talked about their mom…I was really really old and my job was watching tv and shopping all day. 🙂
Oh yes, we all do that – it’s in the job description 😉
Would love to hear what answers my two would give! LOL at in a mountain on a house somewhere in Hertfordshire, I’d like to visit 😉 xx
I loved reading this – what a fab idea and I loved the answers 😉
I will have to do one of these lists when my kids are a bit older the feedback will b very interesting lol mine would of bin completely different I don’t see any of my school mates live miles away from my childhood house and wouldn’t have a clue what job I would have wanted to have don defo not wok in a bookies lol
Oh dear, I won’t encourage them in that direction then!
The distance from home and the height are lovely – what I find so innocent and heart warming is the belief of still being best friends – I do very hope so.
Children’s imaginations! Funny!
Haha wow this is the cutest thing ever!
2 meters 10 centimeters is quite tall. So Im guessing that will make her the tallest mountain living, dolphin training, multimillionaire in Hertfordshire? 😛