4 Reasons to Love Barbados


  1. The Sea: it is blue, not steely grey; it’s coolness is a delicious relief from the heat of the sun, not an exercise in endurance. The children are happy there, playing, laughing, bonding.
  2. The Rain: yes, even the rain in Barbados is lovely. Soft and warm, feeding the lush green of the island. A book and umbrella are all you need for a rainy day.
  3. The Light: stunning colours everywhere, and it’s all down to the vast expanse of blue skies. We haven’t had a holiday with this much sun and warmth in years. We needed it.
  4. The Food: tempura shrimp for the Bug every time we sit down in a restaurant. GG declared last night’s garlic potatoes ‘like clouds,’ and there is nothing like the barbecued fish. 

I would write more, but there’s a piña colada with my name on it.

20 thoughts on “4 Reasons to Love Barbados”

  1. Sounds utterly blissful and just what you all needed after what you’ve all been through. LOVE how the bikini coordinates with the equipment, as dealing with these things while still being cool is incredibly important in those precious formative years. I’ve learned that with being tender with Aaron in what I do and say and feel with regards to the new teeth issue. I hope the sand between your fingers and toes, gets into the edges that need sanding down, so the stress can all ooooooze away in the sea breeze.
    @NewMumOnline x

    • Thanks Liska. It is very hard on her (and us) but you’re right, she is very cool in her handling of it. If you can’t be perfect you might as well rock your imperfections, right? 😉

  2. THis actually made me do one of those little sigh in the back of your throat sobs that you catch yourself doing before you properly weep.

    a) Because I know how much you all needed this holiday
    b) Because I know how much you all deserve this holiday
    c) Because I know and agree with you on all those points and hate that we didn’t go last year and I don’t know when we will go again.
    d) I have no pina colada.

    • Ah T I will raise one to you later, and when I’m home we’ll have a cocktail party together. Thank you so much for helping us to organise this. Diabetes came with us and is behaving like a petulant toddler, but what better place to sit it on the naughty step?!

      • darn right. And if you stick it on the naughty step outside the cottage you can then sit in the hammock and gently rock whilst giving diabetes the kick in the back of the head it deserves.

        Or something.

        Opposite the club house (out of your road and turn left and down the hill) is another pool, with a gym (like I have EVER been in there) and a little bar that sells ice lollies and drinks, if the smalls are after some company you might find it down there as that is the “communal pool” as opposed to your nearest that is just for your road. And you could have a pina colada there, you know, just for comparison and in the name of research

  3. Rocking your imperfections is literally my favourite topic, and because of that, for 6 months this has been my favourite song.

    Listen to every lyric and have tissues ready:

    It won’t let me add the link so I am going to add gaps but it is All of Me by John Legend.
    www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=OJJxu16HCCI

    Liska xx

  4. So happy to hear that you’re enjoying a well-deserved holiday and I hope that GG’s coping OK in the sun. We took our daughters years ago and I remember the sea being a gorgeous shade of blue and visiting (a lot) of rum distilleries. Keep testing the pina coladas until you’ve found the best one on the island :o)

  5. Glad you are loving it as much as it sounds like you should (if that makes ANY sense).
    That is a beautiful photo of your daughter and I love how smiley she is no matter what life is throwing at her. xx

  6. Oh Helen it looks incredible, we have been to Barbados, but only for the day from a cruise ship, I am dying to go back. I took the most beautiful photo I have ever taken there. The light is just stunning isn’t it x

  7. It has been years since I visited Barbados with two of our children, I loved it immensely and hope I can return with my husband one day. I’m glad you and the family had such a grand time. Family vacations are so much fun.


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