Back to school..
Back to school shopping list
Back to School shopping list.
A new school bag:
My brother is moving on this year to join me at our Junior school. The thing which most excites him about this is the excuse to bin his irritating regulation book bag in favour of a more practical bag of his own choosing. The thing which excites Mummy is that this rule allows for a backpack; which means he can carry it himself; which leaves her only a P.E. kit and a swimming bag to carry to school for us. And a violin. Actually, two violins now…
Football boots:
Both the Bug and I play football at school. For about 6 weeks before the end of term I was moaning that my toenails hurt every time I had practice. The Back to School signs in all the shops prompted her to have our feet measured. I was in a size too small. The Bug was 1 and half sizes too big for his boots, and he hadn’t even complained!
Over the summer he turned 7 and our lawn now sports an enormous football goal. Daddy is coaching him to tackle and shoot harder, but often he’s happiest in goal. So I think he needs goalie gloves too.
Other Back to School essentials:
Changing schools means a change in various other educational nuances too. Here’s what I’ve coached my brother to ask for in order to survive the transition:
- A daily ‘healthy’ snack. The infant school provide fruit and vegetables as a snack. Once you’re in Juniors it is assumed you can manage until lunchtime, though we are allowed to take in a healthy snack if we wish. I wish, every day, for a marshmallow Squares bar. Sadly, I can’t reach that particular cupboard, and have to shoplift an apple from the fridge. But on Fridays Mummy caves and we get a treat for snacktime. They’ve gone on the shopping list.
- A diablo. Every term there is a craze. Often it’s collector cards. Loom bands have been the thing for a long time. Summer sees you at risk of being thwacked with a tennis raquet on the playground. Usually everything gets banned, just in time for a new craze to start up the following term. This term, I can confidently say that ownership of a diablo will convey membership of the cool club.
- Stationery. Only pencils allowed in Infants, but at some point this year my brother will gain his ‘pen licence,’ and then he’ll need a cool pencil case. And a set of gel pens. And a bendy ruler. And a series of tiny rubbers in the shape of pigs, junk foodstuff, or Christmas trees…
What have we missed?
Couldn’t agree more that parents need all the help they can get when it comes to purchasing everything their kids need for school. It’s frustrating all round and I can remember some epic battles with my daughters over trying to get their uniform bought & ready for the start of term.
Good luck with the new school year :o)
Back to school shopping has totally cleared me out this time around – High School shopping is expensive! Good job they are worth it though eh 🙂 x