Wot so Funee? Bogies and contact lenses

Wot So Funee?Welcome back to another Wot so Funee? We’ve loved reading the antics at Nikki, Emma, and Donna‘s blogs, but now it’s time for us to entertain you. And boy, have we clocked up some gaffs – all at the expense of the Bug. I’m sure he’ll get me back for this, but for now, he has the floor.

Mums and Dads bicker. I know you know how it goes. Dads make a mess, Mums sigh a lot and do tidying, until they get tired, and then they start to grumble. I’m rather good at heading all that off and telling Daddy what he’s doing wrong before it even goes that far, but of course, there are always the moments I miss.

One of Daddy’s particularly bad habits is to be lazy about his contact lenses. A wearer since very young, he’s adept at popping his eyes in and out anywhere, and doesn’t pay too much attention to the ritual they insist on in Specsavers. If there isn’t a bin nearby, or a loo, the lenses will just get flicked, to turn up in random locations during the week.

This morning was a case in point. Daddy was getting it in the neck for a particularly unusual lens deposit. Apparently he had plonked them on the side of the television. Not on the top, on the side. Both of them. “Honestly!”Β she complained.Β “It’s so unhygienic! It’s almost as bad as bogies stuck to the wall!”

Ah! piped up a small voice from the other room, where only snippets of the conversation were making their way through. That was probably me, sorry.

At least he’s honest, my brother πŸ˜‰

Now, if you have a funny post about something your children have said or done, add it to the linky below and we’ll come over to visit! Go and visit some of your fellow linkers too, so see what their families have been laughing at this week.



19 thoughts on “Wot so Funee? Bogies and contact lenses”

  1. Yuk! At least he said sorry, but there’s a lesson to kids there in either listening properly or not listening at all! (There are certain key words which always make my kids’ ears prick up too.) Have never heard of anyone leaving contact lenses everywhere before!

  2. Classic! The Bug sounds just like our 7yr old boy bug who regularly comes out with things like this, usually about boy smells and bogies. But its my eldest who came out with a funee this week, so i need to start typing soon (just got to get on with work first….) Sx

  3. That is hilarious, hahaha something my brothers all would have done growing up and definitely admitting to. I love eavesdropping from the next room. Makes it even funnier. Thanks for hosting!

  4. Ha ha ha! Bogies on the wall is so gross!!! At least he owned up. I reckon I have alllllll this to come with my little boy. I’m a teacher and some of the things the teen boys do? Vom xxx

  5. In our house I’m the messy one and Daddy is tidy to OCD standards. I draw the line somewhere though, and it’s definitely above contact lenses on the TV! I suspect the boys do the bogey thing though, even if not intentionally πŸ™‚

  6. I am sorry to admit, I am a contact random depositer too!! I don’t wear them often, mostly when going out……..hence the drunken depositing of said contacts haha x

  7. ha ha oh dear. I flick my contacts in the loo, and my daughters are the nose-pickers and flickers. I can regularly be heard to say “Alice – put that BOGEY IN A TISSUE!!” πŸ™‚


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