Book review: Monty and Milli: the totally amazing magic trick

2013-01-20 009By Tracey Corderoy and Tim Warnes. Review by the Bug, aged 5.

"Monty and Milli - a book review"

My brother is not one for practising his writing. But he has recently acquired the ability to read, and can be found most mornings, long before M&D’s alarm goes off, poring over his books. Even the promise of pain au chocolat elicits a groan of disobedience when he is asked to abandon his literature in favour of dressing and coming down for breakfast.

Perhaps this new-found ability accounts for his urge to review Monty and Milli. We’ve had The Totally Amazing Magic Trick hanging around for months, with a plan to review it, but before now it hasn’t been a priority on my brother’s list of things to do. He has been demanding Mummy’s attention all week with a desire to flex his pencil. Let me translate:

Milli always copies Monty and it makes him cross.

I like Milli because she is funny.

My favourite part was when Milli was hiding under the table and pretended to be a warty toad.

Blank – ie. I wouldn’t change anything about this book.

That just about covers it, from the Bug’s point of view, but if you want to see a more in-depth review, head over to Mini Bookworms for the full lowdown ๐Ÿ™‚

15 thoughts on “Book review: Monty and Milli: the totally amazing magic trick”

  1. We love to get out but I’m not fond of the cold so I need coaxing in this weather. When we did get sledging we all had a great time and the fire and fleecy blanket, just like you, was very welcoming after.

  2. What a beautiful review. He has such gorgeous writing, I love it when they write so phonetically “beecos” it shows they understand but they haven’t yet learnt the madness of the English language. A review to treasure.


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