Home: Boys Room Makeover (part 1) GLTC Bunk Bed

Assembling the flat-pack bunk bed from GLTC couldn't have been easier!

A new bunk bed for the Bug.

The Bug has been needing a room makeover for a while. When we moved to this house 6 years ago, the room he acquired was pink. He wasn’t quite 2, so it didn’t seem a big deal, and we put it on our to-do list. Six years later, we still hadn’t acted on our plans to create a cool bedroom for our boy, so when GLTC offered us a bunk bed, we knew we could delay no longer.

GLTC are well-known for lovely kids furniture, and we have previously gone for the white or pine-stained effects, but this time we chose this cloud grey boys bunk-bed as we thought it would have the edge in cool factor for a slightly older boy. At 8, the Bug has waited patiently for his turn on the top bunk, as his older sister has always laid claim to that domain on holidays. He was itching to get his new bed ready, and he didn’t have to wait long:

Building a GLTC bunk bed

I am pretty good at flat-pack furniture – something of the ‘completer-finisher’ in me loves the process – and for the most part I found the instructions easy to follow, although I would say that previous experience of the standard fittings is an advantage, as some of the drawings were confusing. You can see however, that even with a large piece of furniture, it wasn’t too tricky for me to put together by myself. (Actually Daddy is a total DIY duffer – he married me because he knew he’d never have to lift a screwdriver).  GLTC have a partnership with an assembly service though, if this is something you’d rather skip.

Darth (dressed as Batman), Pengy, and Mogs took prime position on the new bunk bed

Once he was up there we quickly realised that his vantage point left him without a bedside table, but we soon rectified that with the addition of these bed pockets, where he stores all his books and random junk (!) while he’s asleep. We’ve had these for a while, but here’s an easy tutorial to make your own bed pockets.

Adding some hooks to the end of a bunk bed helps keep bags and clothes off the floor

Next we added some hook-over pegs to the end of the top bunk – I take every advantage of an opportunity to get bags and clothing off the floor, and this was too good to pass up! And yes, that is a lobster poking its claw through the bed-frame. He has some unusual passions, my boy. The football bag came from Sportpax and holds his football kit – if I nag him enough.

Bottom bunk

His giant teddy (I forget his name – he has around 50 cuddly toys) takes pride of place on the lower bunk, but often he spreads cushions along the wall and turns this into a kind of day-bed where he can hang out and read. Sometimes he even makes LEGO there – I pity any child who comes for a sleepover!

The Bug is super-happy up there. I was nervous that he might fall, or slip when he’s trying to get out in the night, but the safety rail is more than adequate, and he has quickly mastered the steps. For my part, I’m happy with the construction; the bed is sturdy, doesn’t creak, and only wobbles slightly if I try to get up there myself – remember, it’s not made for adults! Next up, I’ll be showing you what else we did with his room – you’re going to love it!

Disclosure: GLTC gave us a bunk bed for the purposes of review. All opinion, images and editorial are our own.

7 thoughts on “Home: Boys Room Makeover (part 1) GLTC Bunk Bed”

  1. That is a really nice bunk bed, very different and quite masculine. I think it suits a lads room to have something other than plain wood – but never get metal! We had a metal bunk for a few years and my poor son couldn’t roll over in bed without waking half the house – it was the noisiest thing ever!

  2. The beds look lovely. Our girls had bunk beds for a number of years, the only thing I really didn’t like, was trying to make the top bunk. I did like that they were easily unassembled and you could use them as two separate beds. I hope bug enjoys his new space.

  3. i love the idea of using bed pockets and those hooks to keep things tidy. Love the bed. Big fan of GLTC – we have a bookcase from them that has really stood the test of time! x


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