Expressions #12: Let it go for #BritMumsLive

My mother has done it again. Embarrassed me. I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s an almost daily occurrence, with her gaffs, and her love of oversharing. I have perfected my warning glare for use on the playground when faced with an imminent faux pas in front of my friends, and actually, much of the time it works. But she has out done herself today. Unbeknownst to me, she and Annie have been putting together a short video detailing their nerves over the forthcoming Brilliance in Blogging awards. Now I love Annie, but she has led my mother too far over the cliff of astraydom this time. *Insert eyeroll.*

Thank you Mark Warner for sending her to BritMumsLive. It means I can relax for the weekend, knowing that she can’t embarass me further. Try and keep her under control, will you? As for you Annie… *tuts.*

29 thoughts on “Expressions #12: Let it go for #BritMumsLive”

  1. There was definitely a superstar in that video, unfortunately it wasn’t Annie or Helen! Thanks for the laugh girls and best of luck tomorrow. I’m won’t be there :'( The BIBS never bothered me anyway! (says she wondering if next years tickets are on sale yet?)

  2. Arf! I had to watch this a few times because the first time I couldn’t hear the words for laughing, priceless


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