Pillow Pets: Wot so Funee?

"disney stitch pillow pet"
Image courtesy of the Disney Store

Isn’t he cute? Stitch – the Bug took a fancy to him immediately on arrival at Disney World in Orlando, having never once watched an episode of Lilo and Stitch on TV. It’s so easy to spend money at Disney – there is cuteness everywhere you look. Even if you steer clear of the gift shops, you can’t fail to be swept along with the magic on the streets. Most of our requests were rebuffed by M&D, but by the law of averages we prevailed, and secured a couple of these:

"mickey mouse balloons from Disney"

How could any self-respecting parent say no, when they’re floating there amongst 50 others, straining at their ribbons, bursting with the promise of magic and lighting up the smiles on children’s faces?

We also fell in love with Stitch; he’s Disney’s version of a Pillow-Pet. We recognised the format immediately, having craved one for months, and memorised the advert:

We discussed our pets on our walk back from the boat to our room at the Wilderness Lodge hotel. We talked about the marketing that made us want Stitch and Marie (Aristocats). We sang Daddy the tune, and talked about what the brand message was (yeah, I know, our Dad is in marketing, it happens a lot). Is it a pet? Is it a pillow? Maybe they considered cushion? From behind us the Bug’s small voice piped up:

“It’s basically a square with a head. And when you fold it up, it’s a cylinder.”

Marketing guru in the making.

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24 thoughts on “Pillow Pets: Wot so Funee?”

  1. I get completely caught up in all things Disney too – and that’s just at the Disney store, let alone Disney World! Bug is definitely on the ball! x

  2. Disney is fabulous and yes, it’s very hard to resist all the adorable goodies on offer. Very wise purchases!

  3. Amazed that’s all you came back with! What an incredible holiday you must have had. I look forward to hearing more about it. I loved the video – Bug was particularly amusing ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I have two words for those pillows- cute and cuddly! love ’em!:) and looks like you had an awesome holiday.. looking forward to more holiday related posts:)

  5. Hahah that’s funny! My daughter loves Pillow Pets. She sings the song a lot “it’s a pillow, it’s a pet, it’s a pillow pet!” Not that I know the words or anything!

  6. I love it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Taking our little angels in September. It will be theirs and daddy’s first ever time on an aeroplane! I feel strangely responsible for them!
    I have been quite a few times but not for 8 years. I know it’s changed a lot, I research it every day!

  7. No flies on that Bug! I love the fact that, even with a clever Dad who can help them decode the marketing spiel, Bug and GG still want the merchandise. A square that can turn into a cylinder: that’s the good stuff!

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