Extreme Ironing – Blog it for Babies with Save the Children

Well, Blog it for Babies reached St Albans yesterday (more on that later, in a much saner and more newsworthy post). The day was a huge success, but before I tell you about it, here is how Annie from Mammasaurus spent the evening, extreme ironing Dadda Cool’s shirts for charity! By the way Grandma, knowing your opinion of Mammasaurus, you might want to skip this video and read the more ‘normal’ post later on.

9 thoughts on “Extreme Ironing – Blog it for Babies with Save the Children”

  1. Love it ladies! Although next time – to be truly extreme ironists – perhaps you can take it outside… 😉

    Iron on dudettes
    (Extreme Ironing Founder)

  2. What’s so extreme? I iron like it all of the time (in The Native’s head).

    Hilarious. I especially love how it followed up with comments from an ACTUAL extreme ironing website.


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