Friends: 60/366 Photos

Mummy cheated on the the old photo a day thingy today. Firstly she was so fed up with having no internet yesterday and this morning that she rather got the hump with it all. I know how it goes: you try, you fail, you give up. Except that’s not what she tells me to do, so she needed to get back in the saddle too! Internet back, she opened her inbox to find 159 new emails, the first of which was from her good friend Five Go Blogging, posting for the Gallery linky.

No chance of Mummy seeing her friends today, but having been ransacked by Mammasaurus a couple of weeks ago she remembered some pictures lurking in an old photo album of school friends, as well as one who went on to University with Mummy and remains her best friend today, despite them hardly seeing one another.

Thank goodness for scanners – technically it is a new picture, created today 😉

"Friends"(Yes, we all had terrible hair – it was the 80’s. And yes, she is wearing the same jumper – we were students!)

Thanks to Tara from Sticky Fingers for picking this theme for today’s Gallery 🙂

10 thoughts on “Friends: 60/366 Photos”

  1. Wow no Internet must have been a tricky one! Great picture though, I was an eighties teenager as proven by my Gallery embarrassing pic from two weeks ago, compared with that you look very normal!


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