I got my Festival Skirt! Miss Francis pettiskirt tutu review.

“This is epic! I look like a giant fluffy marshmallow. Don’t eat me, will you…?”

Wonderful frothy pettiskirt tutu

I got excited on Friday when this fabulous pettiskirt tutu arrived from Miss Francis. It was out of its gorgeous box and onto my tiny tush quicker than you can say #autoawesome.

Gorgfeously frilly girls tutu pettiskirt

I’ve wanted what I like to call a festival skirt since my visits this summer to Just So, and to Feastival, where I saw cute little girls in spotty wellies and frilly skirts rocking moves to the music in the mud. It’s a seriously cool look, in a “oh I just threw it on and it worked” kind of way, and I wanted to replicate it to the last detail 😉

2013-10-10 Tutu Skirt 001

So we searched the shops: we found a couple of cute skirts at H&M, and one at Next, but they just weren’t frothy enough. We happened across some fabulous skirts at Vintage Retro in Great Marlborough Street, but they only had adult sizes. Next we searched the internet – a few tulle skirts on Etsy that weren’t quite right, and some things on Ebay I could have afforded with my pocket money – Mummy was worried it might be of the kind of quality to go up in flames on arrival.

Then we saw this post on Dear Beautiful and gasped. Would they have it in my size? We spent most of the evening browsing the Miss Francis site – not only did it come in sizes up to 10 years, it also came in lots of colours. Should we have hot pink, or red? Should we be daring and go multi-coloured? Am I a classic vanilla? There’s even one in marshmallow, and a leopard print!

But no, it was this stunning turquoise that caught my eye the most, and I waited for it to arrive with all the anticipation of Cinderella awaiting a ballgown.

Miss Francis pettiskirts are machine washable (just pop it in a pillowcase before washing), and so soft and swirly they are a dream to wear. All chiffon frills and satin bows, with a very forgiving elasticated waistband so I can wear it for Christmas dinner 😉 Although I am made to remove it before eating spaghetti, which gets me really narked. I would wear it permanently if I had my way!

Oh, by the way, isn’t this the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen? I’m so getting a baby so I can dress it in one of these. Muuuum…?

Adorable! Pettiskirt tutu for a baby!


Mummy has been trying to get Google Plus to give her an autoawesome (basically an animated gif that Google does for you – is there anything Google doesn’t do for you?)  for weeks now, with little success. It seems the tip is to act like a paparazzi and simply shoot as fast as possible, at least 4 photos – there are about 9 in this one. And how could you resist, with a skirt like this?

*Disclosure: we were given this beautiful skirt for the purposes of review. The skirts are available on the Miss Francis website, and retail from £29.99 for babies, and £39.99 for girls.

40 thoughts on “I got my Festival Skirt! Miss Francis pettiskirt tutu review.”

  1. Yay!!! You got your festival skirt. Love it!!! You can definitely girly that colour up, or rock it up depending on where you are off to.
    Thanks for the mention. I’m glad we helped you find your dream skirt. Happy twirling….! x

  2. That skirt is fantastic. I know another girl who would love it too. This morning as soon as she’d finished her breakfast she asked if she could put her princess dress on and she is alternating between dancing and dressing my hair. I’m definitely going to be checking out the Miss Francis website for a possible birthday or Christmas present for her.

  3. That looks like so much fun to wear! I have a little girl who would adore one of those. And yay on the Google Autoawesome, I managed to get one of those only once!

  4. Ooh, I love the tutu skirt (and the original post where you saw them), there is a certain little girl who would just love this. Hmmm….Where’s Father Christmas when you need him ?!?

  5. It is beautiful and such a lovely colour but not sure I’ll spend £40 on one. Tight old me makes E tutus for festivals using a ribbon waistband and tons of net and tulle. Give it a go! You get your own bespoke frilly creation then! I do love that colour though 😉

  6. Absolutely gorgeous and the colour’s awesome (sadly my two are a bit past it for wanting one of these, but there was a time when they’d have killed for one)! Btw – we have the exactly same tiles in our kitchen.

  7. We have one of these and it’s definitely a favourite! It can also be squeezed under other skirts/dresses to provide extra froth:)

  8. That is awesome – I can’t stop watching that animated gif that’s not a gif of GG. Just brilliant, she looks absolutely delighted! Amazing swirling skills. Thank you for sharing with #whatsthestory

  9. YAY .. how fantastic is that skirt is amazing!! i love it and may have to purchase one for Britmums live this year with my blog logo t-shirt .. that would work wouldnt it?!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

  10. We absolutely love our skirts from Miss Francis, and I totally wish they did some in my size. They are so fluffy and frothy- just gorgeous. I really like the colour of GG’s as well. She looks like she loves it. x

  11. You look sooooo cool! I love your colour choice and will be purchasing my niece the hot pink one for our next festival. Ask your mum if she remembers hair crimpers? Having my hair crimped this weekend! Think it will also be a good festival look.

  12. i want one!!!!!!! am i too big for one GG? i would love a red one so i could twirls it round and around and smuile to myself – in secret of course lol
    you look very pretty in it . x


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