Happy Memories – The Gallery

My little brother had his very first day at school last week. Many photos were taken with pride, but I suspect that this will be the one which makes us laugh and remember that day in years to come.

This is not the Bug. It is Darth Vader, and when Darth Vader (you have to say the Vader or he will not answer) is asked what he wants for tea, he will answer in his Darth Vader voice. If you need clarification, he will repeat it for you, but only in the voice.

Anyway, Darth was so excited to be going to school that there was a party atmosphere at our house. We played Monster and Papparazzi on the Ipod, and the beat was marked by Darth’s ever present shooting sound-effects. He did eventually agree to remove his helmet so that we could go to school. His teacher will remember him as another fresh-faced boy eager to get going. We, on the otherhand, will remember his first day of school with slightly more hilarity!

This picture is inspired by The Gallery – A Happy Memory. Check out the other entries here:

22 thoughts on “Happy Memories – The Gallery”

  1. This is fantastic. Kids that age are just hilarious.
    Before going on maternity leave I was a Reception teacher and one year we had a little boy insist on being called “Bob the Builder” for his whole first week and a half at school. And not just Bob, you had to use the full name.
    I’m glad you got a picture of it, I’m sure he’ll LOVE hearing the story when he’s older. x

  2. Ha ha! My cousins are the same with amending their names but you have to be on your toes because they change them a lot, and like Darth, will not answer until you say the correct name. Can’t wait to change my name when I’m bigger.

    • Lord Vader! Now there’s a variation – bet he would respond to that! Yes thanks he is loving it – desperate for world book day though, when he can go in dressing up gear….;)

  3. Fantastic – I hope he can greet new milestones with similar headgear. 🙂 Perhaps starting secondary school, of perhaps he could become Lord Vader again to do his homework. x


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