How to be Lucky: a Simple Technique

I wrote last week how Mummy won a ticket to Cybermummy. She is usually a firm believer in the theory that it is impossible to win anything in a lottery-style competition, having grappled regularly with the tests in Reader’s Digest as a child and won nothing. She was never selected from a random draw to appear on Jim’ll Fix It either. So began, at the age of 11, a lifetime of cynicism and can’tbebotheredness.

So she was astounded by her luck in winning the golden ticket! Off she trotted to London, smug, but bemused by this unexpected good fortune. Well friends, you’ll never guess what. She’s only gone and done it again! After an amazing day of meeting new and old friends, listening to incredibly inspirational speakers, and reminding herself that my blog is good for her sanity, she then went on to win (drumroll) one of the top prizes: £300 of SpaFinder vouchers! She nearly chucked her red wine over Not a Notting Hill Mum and Lunchbox World in her astonishment!

She claims she is a stressed-out mum (I fail to see what she has to be stressed about as I am pretty near perfect – oh, of course, she must mean the Bug…), so this prize could not be better:

So as she contemplates the prospect of a delightful session of relaxation (or several – form an orderly queue ladies!), I am left to ponder the origins of her luck. Is she on a lucky streak? Are the fates simply with her this week? I think not; if they were wouldn’t the idyllic behaviour manifested by myself and the Bug on our sleepover while she was away have continued for her on her return to normality? (I’d lay a bet on her being pretty stressed after today, but what does she expect? As Mummy is keen to point out to me, there are consequences for your actions and we have today delivered the payback!).

No, Mummy’s secret technique is very simple: you’ve got to be in it to win it. She entered every competition going at Cybermummy 11. Yes, she may get a lot of marketing emails next week, but it is worth it. She won her Cybermummy ticket. She won more spa treatments than she’s had since I was born. She has turned over a new leaf; she is a competition hound. Simple.

Now Mummy, about my Sparkle magazine…..

7 thoughts on “How to be Lucky: a Simple Technique”

  1. Can’t believe your luck! Long may it continue, *sprinkles some more luck*!
    Thanks for the mention too! Must meet up as you’re not far away… or even half way, we could make a quick dash on a school day and noone would be the wiser. What do you think… a quick cuppa in Rickie?


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