Kids just want so much stuff, don’t they? And none of it is in favour for more than a few months, but it is absolutely vital that they have it when they need it, otherwise they’ll be the only one in the playground without the latest thing. My house is overflowing with discarded loom bands (remember those?), I have a huge tub full of mechanical hamster-type things, and occasionally a Furby will turn evil in the night and pipe up from under a cushion somewhere. Toy manufacturers know how to appeal to kids, they know when to pitch the product for maximum want factor, and they know how to charge. But I’ve found a way round it.
Buy for less
If you haven’t heard of it already, is an online marketplace with over 40 million discounted products available. Now I know what you’re thinking: “daily deals” sites always have a glut of green feather dusters just when you don’t need them, and nothing you actually want. is different, in that it allows you to get a better price on the stuff you actually want. All you need to do is input the UK Amazon link of the item you want to buy, and they’ll get it cheaper through one of their online retailers.
So how does it work? say their platform “empowers consumers to demand a discount on items they want to buy, and gives online retailers the chance to win more orders whilst protecting their margins.” So it seems like a win-win situation for everyone. And it’s not just toys.
Discounts average 10%, but can be as much as 15% off depending on what you’re after. For example, electronics, toys and games, home and garden, film & TV are all typically good categories. When you enter the url of the product you’re looking for, you’ll get an “instant offer”, typically only a couple of percent cheaper. If you don’t need to order the item right then and there, you can choose to wait for a couple of hours for a better deal.
It’s completely free to use and there is no obligation to buy. If you’d like to give it a go but don’t have a particular product fixation at the moment, check out their recent round up of popular toys for 2016, or simply paste in the url of your most recent wish list add, and see what they come up with. I’ve had a browse today and spotted everything from toys and games, to books, hair product, and coffee! And who doesn’t need to cut costs on nappies when they’ve just had a baby??
I have been compensated for my time in writing this post.