It’s the MAD’s today! What do we think about that??

* This post has been updated, please read on down…

GG has been excited for weeks. She has been counting down the days. She finished ticking off the days on her calendar on Wednesday. The MAD’s (Mum and Dad Blogging Awards) are today, and it seems she couldn’t wait. So I was surprised when the first thing concerning her this morning was a music lesson…

Tonight we are heading into London for a very grand awards ceremony. We have fine clothing and champagne (read lemonade). You can watch the awards online here (to be updated) and of course there will be photos tomorrow 🙂

And although we have no expectations (the competition in the SchoolDays category is amazing!) you can be sure that every single person who voted us into the finals is our favourite person ever. Every single one of you! Thank you all for sending us to this prestigious event, and for reading our stuff, and joining in… *stops gushing now*

Good luck everyone!

We won!! We only went and won Best School Days  Blog!!! Thank you so much to everyone who reads us and chats with us, because you are the ones who made this happen… 🙂

13 thoughts on “It’s the MAD’s today! What do we think about that??”

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