Oven roasted vegetables with fresh hazelnuts

This is one of the delicious recipes we learned whilst cooking with Slow Food Kids and Grana Padano (Recipes by Francesco Mazzei)

"Oven roasted vegetables with hazelnuts and parmesan"

Ingredients (4 servings):

200g     Beetroot
200g      Fennel
200g      Butternt squash
200g      Purple Aubergine
2              Red onions
2              teaspoona tomato paste
50ml      Extra Virgin Olive oil
50g         Fresh hazelnuts or cobnuts
Salt & Pepper
2              Tablespoon honey
500ml    Raspberry vinegar
50g         Grana Padano 21 Months shavings
Fresh Herbs for decoration (Chervil, Basil, celery cress)


1)      Place the beetroot in a pan of cold water; bring to the boil to cook the beetroot for a few minutes. Let it cool down in the water.

2)      In the meantime reduce the vinegar to 2 tablespoons.

3)      Add the tomato paste, honey and salt & pepper.

4)      Cut the vegetables into four pieces, season and roast in the oven at 185 degrees until they are nice and tender (approx 25 minutes).

5)      Cut the vegetables into smaller pieces if desired and place on a plate with the sauce, Grana Padano shavings, hazelnuts and herbs on top.

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