Restaurant Critic: Wot So Funee?

Wot So Funee?There is a restaurant that I love. It is in Felixstowe, near Grandma’s house, and its name is The Alex. I have written about the Alex and its luminous loos before, and I never tire of toilet trips here. Add the fact that they serve an adult-friendly dish called “Scallops with chorizo and black pudding” (!!!*?!), as well as a child-friendly sausage and chips, and it really is a no brainer.

Grandma’s treat is always at the Alex.

Now the Alex is a classy establishment, always updating their menu, and constantly seeking feedback from the customer. Last time we went, I became the restaurant critic, insisting on filling out the customer survey form myself. I think I gave them food for thought 😀

Sausages and chips is sausages and chips, isn’t it? So there’s really not much you can say to make for an excellent menu description. But I marked is as good. Because it’s factual, if nothing else. The food is always excellent, as is the service, and I said so; credit where credit’s due, and all that. I really can’t take the final word on value, but I assume it must be good value, as we always go there, and Mummy is not known for allowing herself to be fleeced. You could even say it has added value in the form of the entertaining toilets and proximity to the beach! On a promenade fun-fair day it might have made the top score.

"Customer Service Questionnaire"Most customers are perfunctory with their feedback: a few quick ticks and they’re done, rudely rushing off without really giving their hosts a genuine feel for their satisfaction. I think that’s wrong. A proper restaurant critic should not only judge, but be explicit in her evaluation, praising the good, and adding suggestions for improvement.

I am known as something of a sorbet connoisseur, and will favour the icy stuff over chocolate cake and sickly ice-creams any day. As you can see, I was so impressed with the choice at the Alex that I even made the effort to get my spellings right. One piece of excellence deserves another, don’t you think?

I wonder if this is the beginning of a gastronomic career for me….?

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14 thoughts on “Restaurant Critic: Wot So Funee?”

  1. You should write to the big newspapers and pitch your ideas. Your critique sounds much better than the bla bla they produce sometimes, but I guess it pays of being a sorbet expert…

    • Aha, they do say you should specialise! Do you think I could write a whole blog about sorbet? I think I could but would any one actually read it, I wonder *plans to take over from Michael Winner*

      • Well, your mummy’s friend Mammasaurus has a tea and coffee blog, she might be able to help you out here, but I’m sure a sorbet blog would rank incredibly high in the Foodies100 – especially in weather like this…

  2. We just found your blog and love, love it especially Wot So Funee pleased to see this cause being highlighted by a like minded young lady. I would love to try Kiwi and Lime sorbet. Madam T x


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