I’m finding it hard to breathe. My heart is racing, and there’s a fluttery feeling in my stomach. My skin prickles, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get through this. It’s panic, no other word for it.
And the reason? I just received an email containing this sentence:
Thank you for registering to run in the 2014 Royal Parks Half Marathon for Asthma UK. We will be in touch over the next week to welcome you onto the team.
My daughter has asthma. She’s had it from birth, in a viral form, but this summer saw her flaring up with symptoms during the pollen season, for the first time. I won’t lie, it’s been scary. For the last 8 years we’ve learned how to predict her asthma, varying medication in line with her seasonal coughs and colds. But this summer we’ve been at sea again – her symptoms seemed sudden and random, we couldn’t see any tangible pattern, and we weren’t sure what meds to use when.
It’s this fear of asthma that made me decide that Asthma UK would be my main charity going forward. I wrote recently about their campaign to change the law so that schools could carry an emergency Ventolin inhaler in their first aid boxes, and I’m pleased to say that our voices made an impact. From 1 October schools can be prepared for an unexpected asthma attack in the classroom.
I’ve always felt drawn to support Cancer Research. Don’t we all? Aren’t we all in some way affected by cancer? It is massive. But support for Cancer Research is also huge; research into asthma is hugely underfunded, but it is so important to understand more about a condition that impacts on so many lives. Here’s why:
- Every 10 seconds someone has a potentially life-threatening asthma attack
- Asthma kills a classroom of children every year in the UK
- Every day, 84 children are admitted to hospital for emergency treatment due to asthma.
Last March, I ran 10k for Sport Relief. I wrote about how terrible I was at running, how I didn’t have the physique, or the physiological requirements to manage more than a mile or two of panting, vomit inducing legwork. When I hit the start line at the Olympic Stadium with fellow blogger Penny, I knew I would get round the course, but I really thought I’d be walking the second half and getting home in time for tea. In the event, I was done in just over an hour, and I ran every step of the way. And went to a party afterwards!
Gradually, over the next few weeks, I began to wonder if I could do more; if the bug that had gripped me could fuel twice as much achievement. Could I run a half marathon? And so I’m doing it. I’m going to run 13 miles to raise money for more research into asthma. So that we don’t have to live in fear any more; so that families don’t have to lose their children to this condition.
Can you sponsor me?
I have to raise a minimum of £350 to be allowed to take part, so see if I can run further than I’ve even ever walked in my life. Can you help me? I need donations – just click the Sponsor me button below. If you can’t donate, thats fine but it would really help me if you share this post, or my Just Giving page, so that others can egg me on to the finish line, in both senses of the words.
If you have a child with asthma you can download an action plan from Asthma UK now. Tell your friends and networks about it. It’s essential that parents have one to help them understand their child’s symptoms, how to use an inhaler properly, how to know if their child’s asthma is getting worse, and what to do about it. Without one, people are four times more likely to end up in hospital.
I think I can do this. It may take me all day, but I’m going to try to run the whole thing. I think I might be able to. So maybe it’s not panic, but excitement that has my heart hammering..?
If you’d like to join me in fundraising for asthma research, you can find out more about their events on their page. Here’s the Royal Parks half marathon that I’m doing in October. I’d love a running mate!
Oh Helen, you’re about the 4th patent I’ve heard who’s child is suffering from asthma
poor GG, I knew she had it but not that it was this bad.
You will definitely be able to run your half marathon (gosh even the word is a bit scary!!) and this is a great cause, I will pop a few pennies in the jar for you xxx
Thank you Hannah, and thank you so much for your amazing donation too! x
Good luck! What a great cause to run for and a great motivation. I’m an old hand at half marathons – I’m running my 8th (I think, I’m starting to lose count!) so please shout if you need any advice. X
Wow! 8?! I’m hoping I get the bug similarly – I’m rather worried I may not cope with the full 13 miles!
Wow – check you out
I never thought I’d say this but I actually miss running! I can;t wait to not be a preggo fatty anymore and sign up for something to shift the baby-podge :))) x good luck misses – fab cause! Hope the training goes well
I’ve been out of it for 3 months following an op, and I’ve really missed it. Like you, I never thought I was really a runner, but it does grow on you.
Well done you!
Hardcore! Go Hairy Go!
I’ll sponsor you later when I get to a proper computer – and well done you!
Good luck with the half marathon and well done for running on behalf of Asthma UK, it’s such a worthwhile charity.
I’d definitely ask for a referral to see a consultant if GG doesn’t improve soon, maybe they can offer an alternative treatment & that will make her a whole lot better x
Well yeah ok – we’ll let you off #theicebucket challenge for this!
Contributed and shared, would love to run with you but there’s no way I’d last 13miles (doubt I can do 1) may pop over and cheer you on though. xxx
Oh that would be fab! I have no idea if I can do 13 – I can do 6 so here’s hoping!
Thank you so much for the post Emily, sorry I’m finding it hard to comment at the moment but do shout if you need to talk. We’ve been through all that you are and I knownhownstressful it is xx
Oh I think this is a brilliant idea, especially as my son also suffers from Asthma and I know how awful watching an attack can be – helpless looking on. You’ll get round the course, not problem, and I’m sure you’ll reach your targets. Best of luck with everything xx
Oh, and of course I’ll sponsor you!
Thank you so much Tracey. I’m struggling to do more than 2 at the moment, but I’ll do it even if it takes all day!
Good Luck, have sponsored and wish I had kept the running up since last time, I am back at 7k and working my way up to 10k again, willing you on though!
Thanks so much Penny. Wouldn’t you know I’m up to 9 miles now but getting blisters! I’m going to need some better footwear soon!