Expressions #10: Lemme take a selfie

GG Selfie

Every year since my second child was born, I’ve spent a day with my daughter, just us girls, in London. We do as much as a family as we can, and we love our time together. Beneath the general bickering that goes on between siblings, it’s plain to see how much my son and daughter love each other, but the chores and mini-hurdles of everyday life see me spending much of my time in arbitration, not truly focusing on either one of my children. When the Bug was a newborn, I went to lunch with my girl, more to reassure her that she was still just as important as ever to me, but I found that I got just as much from this brief lunch date as she did – I too needed one on one time with my child.

Our London day has covered many adventures over the last 5 years: the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum, the Rainforest Cafe, the National Portrait Gallery, patisserie macaroons, posh afternoon teas, and Hamleys. Always a visit to Hamleys. In recent years we’ve gotten into the habit of booking a West End theatre show that she particularly wants to see – Oliver, Mamma Mia, Wicked. Every summer, Kids Week runs in the West End, where for every adult ticket purchased for selected shows, one child goes free. It’s how we’ve afforded some of the top West End seats without breaking the bank.

It’s been a thrill to share those experiences (always something the boys don’t want to see) with my girl, who is increasingly fascinated by the arts and musical performance. It’s special, something for just the two of us. We always return home with a glow of complicity and mutual esteem that stays with us for a long while.

As the Bug has grown he too has taken his part in the annual excursion with a parent, and last year saw him head off to the Natural History Museum with his Dad. With the long hours Jason works, one on one time with his kids rarely happens, and especially with the Bug, typical little boy, liking the comfort of his Mum’s company. I reassure Actually Daddy that this will change in time, but for now this one day per year is so important for them to really bond and understand each other a little better.

We’re currently planning our 2014 ventures, but in the meantime I’m sharing this Expressions photo with you. Taken at the end of our day, I nervously decided that my daughter was old enough to be left in the restaurant alone while I went to the toilet. This is what she did with my iPhone while I was gone!


23 thoughts on “Expressions #10: Lemme take a selfie”

    • You have to be really quick off the mark to get decent tickets, but it’s the only way we can afford to see the big shows. She’s hoping for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this year.

  1. I think this one on one time is so important and it’s something that we both do separately with each of ours? I know that’s only 6 weekend days in total but that takes planning if it’s going to happen. I love that you go to the theatre with GG – finding their personal ‘thing’ is so important. My boy always used to be a mummy’s boy but once he hit 8/9 that really did change. Sad for me 🙁 enjoy it while it lasts!

    • Oh I will miss his hugs 🙁 It does take a lot of planning but it’s so worth it. Jason takes the Bug to curry houses in Brick Lane – I love that that’s their thing! I haven’t found my thing with him yet, but I’m working on it x

  2. What a lovely idea to spend a day together. This is something I always think about doing in theory, but it has never happened. We sometimes, through circumstances rather than planning, end up with one parent and one child, but we don’t make the most of it. Life and chores just carry on. Surely it shouldn’t so difficult to take time out to do something like this?
    Love the selfies.

  3. Love this! I have a series of similar photos on my phone taken by Ozzy – I’ll have to get them in a post later this evening and join in! x

  4. The photos are so funny! Bless her, everyone loves a good selfie. Great idea to have one on one time with the kids, something I haven’t mastered yet unfortunately

  5. Love these selfies, so much wonderful personality. One on one time is so important, tricky to get sometimes. I love that you have an organised day like this. I need to do it, especially with my eldest. It’s so easy to just get caught up in the day to day.

  6. ‘Did you get my best side?’ #SatCap

    Love those pics! I try to do stuff with the big kids individually from time to time, makes for such a lovely day if you only have one to entertain!

  7. Hehe love this Helen! What a great collection of photos, she must have had a field day while you were in the loo! Just thought my 365 has a great expression from POD (soaking daddy with freezing water). If she stops coming downstairs and goes to sleep I might even be able to write something!

  8. I love the idea of spending one-on-one time! The only time I get is storytime at bedtime at the moment but I am going to have a think about introducing more somewhere else now! Great selfies, you can see she found herself hilarious! You cant help but grin when looking at them all!!

  9. What fantastic relationships you are building between yourselves and your children. No wonder they are so well-rounded with great self-esteems. Fantastic expressions in those selfies.

  10. Everyone loves a selfie 🙂 I especially like no three (give us a kiss)

    I have linked up my half term post, because I thought the girls faces with the pig roast was a good fit for this linky 🙂

  11. Brilliant expression for a selfie collage! It is worth the effort making some one on one time with our children.

  12. Kids love selfies don’t they?! Great idea to spend one-to-one time with them too. We’re just starting to plan days out like this with our sons and I’m looking forward to seeing how they each behave without the other in tow!


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