Skylanders SWAP Force is here!

By the Bug…

Skylanders SWAP Force characters

I am the envy of all my friends. Skylanders SWAP Force is in shops today, but I’ve had it for a whole week already so I could review it and let you know what I think. Which means I have been much in demand for playdates. Understandably, as the Portal Master in our house, I impose certain conditions upon players. They are as follows:

Skylanders SWAP Force – Bug’s rules of the game

  • Swapability – you may swap the 16 SWAP Force characters into more than 250 unique combinations, but I retain final approval – especially over girl power.
  • The half hour Wii limit applies in our house, but seeing as SWAP Force is a completely new game, with a completely different adventure to my Skylanders Giants game, I reserve the right to claim an extra half hour at all times – ok Mum?
  • will be requiring all 16 new SWAP Force characters, as well as the 16 completely new Skylanders, and the 8 new LightCore™ characters – I’m writing my list for Santa now.
  • Actually, going back to that half hour limit, it’s only fair that I let my old Skylanders play on the new game too (they are totally compatible for this very reason) so I might need just a tintzy bit more time Mummy, ok?
  • All my old Skylanders from Giants and Spyro’s Adventure keep their earned abilities and upgrades in the new game and they’re allowed to jump, so actually, it’s going to take me a while to get them acclimatised to SWAP Force. And they need their training if they are to foil Kaos’s new evil plan. So put me down for Skylanders every afternoon, just in case, ok Mummy?
  • Each Skylander half has it’s own upgrade path. Hmmm, that’s going to take me a bit longer, isn’t it? I might need to play at weekends too.
  • Oh, and Mum? You know all my Skylanders work on all the other consoles don’t you? So I may need you to get me a Playstation too. And remember that XBox Daddy wants for Christmas? They work on there too, so don’t expect any help with the Turkey…

Can you tell I’m a tiny bit excited over my new Skylanders SWAP Force? Take a look at this video to see what else I said about it, and for a sneak peek at the new graphics – including how the SWAP Force characters work:

So about the swappable characters. Basically, you can split each of these guys in half and match them up with another half – I want them all!


Mummy says:

  • You can buy the game today. Click the link to be whisked off to the Skylanders SWAP Force official site.
  • This is not just a mindless video game – I’m actually quite happy to let the Bug play, as the capacity for imagination is just endless, with so many different combinations of character, and in-game activity.
  • The game actually works better with 2 players, and I hear the Bug and his friends discussing strategy, and which combined character might work best for which challenge, so I’m happy that they are interacting with each other when they play.
  • I am thrilled that all the Bug’s old characters still work on the new platform. He’s thrilled that they have new capabilities – see the video for his reaction when he realised!
  • Don’t tell the Bug, but it’s GG’s birthday this week, and I’m waiting in for an Amazon delivery of some more SWAP Force characters to cheer him up while she’s opening her presents 🙂

You can see more reviews of Skylanders SWAP Force by clicking these links:
Cats Yellow Days Skylanders SWAP Force review
SWAP Force has landed by Boo Roo and Tigger Too

Disclosure: I am a member of the Netmums Blogging Network, a unique community of parent bloggers from around the UK who have been handpicked by the Netmums team to review products and brands on their behalf. I have been paid expenses and supplied with a product sample for this review but retain all editorial control. All my Netmums Reviews will display the Netmums logo within the post.
This is a Netmum’s sponsored review.


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