Best Christmas lights events for teens in 2021
Seeing Christmas lights is one way to engage with teenagers at Christmas, so we’ve compiled a roundup of the best Christmas lights events for teens in 2021
Seeing Christmas lights is one way to engage with teenagers at Christmas, so we’ve compiled a roundup of the best Christmas lights events for teens in 2021
Does anyone else struggle to get their teenagers into the Christmas spirit? I’ve asked around and here are the tricks parents are using to make their teens feel Christmassy when they’re not in the mood.
Foolproof ideas to get rid of Elf on the Shelf that won’t upset the kids
I have the perfect Christmas tree. I’m not kidding, our tree this year is perfect, and I’ll tell you where to get the perfect tree for your home too. You know how you schelp to the garden centre every year and uhm, and erm your way around? You know how you argue about which tree is best, and then compromise on a tree that’s not quite right, but will probably fit on the roof of the car? Well I’m the smug person who doesn’t do any of that. Because I go to Pines and Needles. I’ve talked about Pines and …
It’s lovely having a birthday at Christmas. I’ve always considered myself lucky that the whole world is set to party, twinkly lights and tinsel everywhere I look, all ready for me to throw myself into another year older. And so I work hard to get Christmas totally sorted in time for my day, so that I can relax and enjoy my family and friends. So today I headed off into London with the kids, to meet Actually Daddy for lunch. Steak and chips and red wine at Sophies in Covent Garden – such a treat and it wasn’t even the …
This year on Christmas Eve the perfect Christmas Day will start. Daddy will remember that it’s sleigh bells in the garden at bedtime. A tambourine sounds nothing like Santa’s sleigh. *** I will be allowed out of bed every half hour to check the palpability of my stocking for evidence of a visit from the bloke in red. *** We will get up at 5.30am. All of us. Whilst I don’t mind a bit of covert rummaging in a baggy sock by torchlight, there comes a point when I require the input of a delighted adult to validate my excitement. …
Grandad’s Christmas Cake Board My Grandad is the best. Always handy with a bag of sweets, the first to spot the ice-cream stall, a sucker for bright red icing at Christmas, especially if it came with a singing cake board! A competition with Grandma on every visit to see how much sugar each could get into us. But then, isn’t that what Grandparents are for? Mummy frowns a lot at people who stuff us full of sugar, and you were no exception Grandad. I remember the day I first understood about Heaven; it was …