Easter Baking: Moroccan Spiced Hot Cross Buns Recipe
Easter Baking Ideas We have a bit of time on our hands for once this Easter break. I’ve longed for a holiday where we’re at home, just to spend time with the kids, doing simple things. And one thing they never tire of is baking. Schwartz got in touch to ask if I would get the kids involved in some cooking using some of their spices. Never one to turn down a challenge, and always a lover of a twist, I decided that we’d start our Easter baking preparations with traditional hot cross buns. Recipes for hot cross buns …
7 Easter Gift Ideas for Kids without the sugar fix
Hold the chocolate! I swear I saw a Creme Egg on sale at our local garage on New Year’s Day. Although I love chocolate as much as the next person, I hate how there is so much of it in my face every time I walk through a shop door. It creates a desire that wasn’t there to begin with, and when you have kids in tow, the compulsion to stuff themselves with sugar is a never-ending battle. Which is why, every Easter, alongside a small token from the Easter Bunny, my kids look forward to a different kind of …
Expressions portrait photo #05: Swing
Over the Easter holiday we were at a family wedding. We stayed in the loveliest farm cottage overlooking Dartmoor. There were sheep. I have an odd talent for making animal noises (I know, not particularly useful). It rained a lot! So we were reduced to driving along the lane, baa-ing at the sheep, and trying to figure out what they might be saying in reply. GG insisted that my baas were declaring the deliciousness that is a Sunday leg of lamb. The sheep, unsurprisingly, were angry in their tone, or so she says. Fortunately, there was also a swing set …
How to enjoy a British beach in rubbish Easter weather!
True to typical British form the Easter Bank Holiday was a washout. Rain, wind, mud, and chill-factor – not of the “chillaxing” kind. Day 1 was ok, a drive to Grandma’s, stopping off for juice at Granny’s, lots of time with the elements of joy, and a fish and chip supper. So far, so good. Day 2 brought more of the same rubbish wet stuff, so the TV went on. Pizza and films, interspersed with a bit of researching the next cool app to beg Daddy to download for our his iPad. For some reason Mummy started to get a …
Easter – the photo gallery
In classic GG and Bug style, I give you – what we got up to in church on Easter Sunday morning. I completed a resurrection-themed crossword: And the Bug copied it: Then we both hung around the elderly gentlemen, who seemed keen to collect all the chocolate eggs for us in the Vicar’s egg hunt. Swot you do, right? This is my Photo Gallery post for Sticky Fingers. Will get some better pics next week 😉