Expressions portrait photo #05: Swing

Fllying high

Over the Easter holiday we were at a family wedding. We stayed in the loveliest farm cottage overlooking Dartmoor. There were sheep. I have an odd talent for making animal noises (I know, not particularly useful). It rained a lot! So we were reduced to driving along the lane, baa-ing at the sheep, and trying to figure out what they might be saying in reply. GG insisted that my baas were declaring the deliciousness that is a Sunday leg of lamb. The sheep, unsurprisingly, were angry in their tone, or so she says.

Fortunately, there was also a swing set on site. We don’t have a swing at our house, and it is something I’ve often wanted to give the children. I was almost an only child, and I remember many happy (and not so happy) hours sitting on my swing, just being out of the house – the child equivalent of smoking a cigarette whilst pondering the roses. Contemplation, exhilaration, peace and quiet, or just plain switching off for a while. There is no weather that will stop her swinging, if swinging is an option.



20 thoughts on “Expressions portrait photo #05: Swing”

  1. What a fantastic shot. I love it. Swings were my favourite as a child (they still are). I love your cigarette smoking in the garden analogy, spot on.

  2. Bets face ever on that top photo! That bottom photo is lovely – it really shows that she’s growing up x

  3. Love the swing expression Helen, just wonderful. Must be great that GG can push herself, always find it hard trying to capture POD if I’m doing the pushing too! I keep meaning to to join this then remember when I have What’s The Story? to do. Must try harder, it’s such a great Linky. Have a lovely Bank Holiday, hope GG is feeling better 🙂

  4. There’s something about swinging through the air …joy…freedom… and you’ve caught it in the first photo!

  5. Fantastic shots. I love swings! I think the first one is fantastic, captures that moment of “I’m soaring!”
    I can’t seem to link up, keeps saying it an’t connect, but I will keep trying 🙂 x

  6. This is an awesome swing shot! I love the expressions that being on a swing seem to bring, but this is one of the best photos I’ve seen. The bottom photo is beautiful too, a very grown up shot x


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