Things children want: Wot so Funee?

As my writing becomes more legible, the #funee moments have become less frequent. However, I have great news, all ye who like to laugh at your kids (it’s outrageously bad form, but we don’t seem able to stop you, so we may as well take some control over the situation)! My brother, the Bug, is beginning to take over the reins. A reluctant writer, he has discovered that there is an advantage to an occasional flourish of the pen.

Who knew, for instance, that being asked to write on the shopping list could be so lucrative? The Bug complained last week that there was very little cereal choice in the breakfast cupboard. So he was told to add what he wanted to the shopping list, and it would magically appear.

Things children want

So far so cute. But when she asked me to add eggs to the list a couple of days later, I decided the time had come to let my little brother in on the real benefit of contributing to the shopping list. A covert snigger or two later, this is how the new list looked:

Things children want - added to my shopping list!

So then, that’s a present for the kids,Β andΒ 100 Skylanders added to this week’s Sainsbury delivery…

Wot So Funee?Now, if you have your own post to link this week, grab the badge code from the sidebar, and click the link below to enter your post – I can’t wait to see what you have! It’s not obligatory, but if you include a link back here in your own post, I’ll return the favour with a tweet-out. If you’re new here you can check out the Wot So Funee? main page for more info.

The Wot so Funee? linky is having a Christmas holiday, but we’ll see you back with some fresh scribblings in the New Year! Have a good one!

33 thoughts on “Things children want: Wot so Funee?”

  1. Heh heh I love their cunning guile – and the writing! I’ve been chuckling at Kitty this week with her writing – I’ll have to post it and link it up tomorrow to show you… but there’s a lot of Fadur Chrismus notes appearing around the house!

  2. That is so very funny. You can tell he will be one of these husbands that go around throwing things into the trolley when his wife looks the other way! Least Father Christmas knows what to get him too.

  3. Ha ha. He has good taste in cereal! I remember adding things to the shopping list when i was a kid, one up from chucking things in the trolley πŸ˜‰

    I’ve added a post to your linky but not sure if it technically counts as a Wot So Funne – you can banish me if you like! x

  4. I think 100 Skylanders is an entirely reasonable request, although I think if you buy any more than 95 then you run the risk of spoiling them… πŸ˜‰ Great writing, and even better attempt at copying your handwriting! Watch out for the “Dear teechur, Bug has not dun his homewurk beecoz he woz sik” notes…

  5. Oh don’t talk to me about Skylanders. Whose bloody idea was it to invent Skylander Swap Force? I thought we’d nailed it but now our shopping list is virtually identical to yours πŸ˜‰ x


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