BritMums Live Blogging Conference Review

"Britmums Live"

This year I’m going to BritMums Live for the 3rd time. This year I will be speaking at BritMums Live for the first time. This year I am sponsored to attend BritMums Live for the first time. This year, I think you should come too. 

I have been fortunate to go on 2 Siblu Holidays since having my children. I never thought I’d be comfortable with a “holiday camp,” given the trips I have taken with Actually Daddy. California driving, South Africa safari, Maldives diving, we’ve been lucky. Such trips with young children are difficult. Aside from the risk of being eaten, kids find that kind of thing dull, and an iPad battery only lasts so long.

So we took the plunge and booked our first campsite holiday with Siblu. We were pleasantly surprised by the facilities and the people there. We discovered that when children are happy, grown-ups have a break. We had fun. We booked again. So if you ask me about holidays when you see me at BritMums Live, I’ll tell you that’s where we’re going.

As well as my holiday plans you’ll hear me talk about how to work with brands. How not to wait for a contact from your dream brand PR, how to make your own approaches, sell yourself, and win the pitch that you want the most. And here’s a thing – I’ll show you my media pack, and give you a copy if you want one.

57 thoughts on “BritMums Live Blogging Conference Review”

  1. What a great competition. I am new to Britmums and just didn’t get my act together in time to get a ticket. Would love to go and meet all the amazing owners of the blogs I have recently discovered.

  2. I would really love to go the Britmums Live and learn lots about blogging from the fantastic speakers that will be there. I missed out on buying a ticket so please please pick meeee!

  3. if I win a ticket, I promise I’ll come to see you talk…I hope there will be frozen wine to keep you going x

  4. I only went to the awards last year. This year I bimbled and left it too late for a ticket. I would love to go, partly because I’m the most shy and rubbish person in the world at getting out of my comfort zone on this kind of thing and partly because this year feels like a real time to re-evaluate what my blog is about.

  5. Id love to go to Britmums but just couldn’t justify the expense of the ticket & using husbands holiday to cover childcare. I’d love to meet some of the mums I follow and to hear the various experts talk. The discussions of media kits and so on is certainly something I’d be interested in.

  6. I would love to win a ticket to britmums live, I dithered so long I missed out on a ticket, in truth I dithered because I was scared – why should I go, I don’t blog enough, I’m not cool enough, I’m not well enough yada yada yada – really, I should’ve bitten the bullet because that’s why I needed to go, to re-inspire myself to write. I want to listen listen listen, to meet other bloggers in real life and to find out from those who have been asked to speak what it is that keeps them writing and so hopefully remind myself of why I started and why I need to keep going! I’m also interested in finding out about working with brands, the what, the why, the how. 2013 is my year!

  7. I’ve been thinking about going to a bloggy conference for a couple of years but have never had the time to attend, this year I do, but I just can’t justify the expense of the whole weekend so if I could win a ticket it would be AMAZING!

  8. I’d love to go to Britmums – the line up looks epic! I’d def love to to ask you about your hols too! I umm’d and erred about going and missed out (if I don’t win your comp I def want to go next year).

  9. I would so love to go, I have been thinking and giving myself reasons to not go, this would be a great reason to just do it!!!

  10. Hi I would love to win this and be able to go because I’m a new mummy blogger and would love the chance to meet other mummys and learn more about blogging.

  11. it was fab last year and would love to attend again this year solely on the chance to see some of the wonderful bloggers… but of course I learnt so much from the sessions as well so take will be amazing to again ! 🙂

  12. Ooh a ticket to britmums! I’d be well scared, like properly intimated haha but I felt so inspired and overwhelmed with the knowledge imparted at the Birmingham Blog Summit that I think I could summon enough courage and maybe meet up with some of my new blogger friends….and someone said there’s wine right? Xx

  13. I would love to go to Britmums Live as…
    1. it looks amazing
    2. I want to make friends with Bloggers
    3. I would love to learn more to benefit my blog and myself

  14. Why would I like to be at Britmums Live? Apart from meeting all those fabulous bloggers that I follow and feeling like I’m hanging out with proper celebrities? Apart from learning so much more about blogging and brands and writing than I can ever read about? Apart from having some time to focus on blogging rather than squeezing it in around sleeping children? Apart from hearing you (and others) speak to inspire me to keep going when things seem to stall? Um, perhaps it could just be the idea of a night out with some incredible ladies (and a sprinkling of gents too of course!) quaffing wine at the BiBs and then nursing our sore heads the next morning over pastries with the marvellous BritMum founders. The whole event sounds just too good to be true for someone who is still finding their blogging feet (like me, for example), I only wish I’d dived in and bought a ticket when they were still available!

  15. Reasons I would love to go to Britmums Live.

    1- I get to meet some fantastic bloggers.
    2- I get to hear some amazing talks from other great bloggers.
    3- I might even drink some wine.
    4- I missed out on buying a ticket. Too much indecisiveness, too little productiveness.
    5- After moving onto Blogger (from Tumblr) I’m becoming more serious with my writing.
    6- I need some inspiration from some awesome women.
    7- WHO RUN THE WORLD? GIRLS! (I will channel my inner Beyonce there)

  16. I am new to blogging an would love the chance to go and build my confidence by meeting other bloggers and getting great help from all the seminars

  17. Woop for a free ticket to Britmums live! Just a few pennies too much to get myself there this year but sad to be missing out!

  18. I would really, really love to BritMums Live as it would give me chance to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones. Also, I want to hear what Kirstie Allsopp has to say.

  19. Why do I want to go? Why not? I didn’t get a ticket as I figured it would be an impossibility to get anyone to look after Dominic. Pouted about it. Then the tickets got sold out and I kicked myself. I’m always telling other people that life is what you choose to make it. A ticket will remind me that I should say ‘why not?’ sometimes and just make it work somehow so I can find (win?) a little something for myself.

  20. I would love to go as I’ve only been blogging since November & still have so much to learn. It would also be great to meet some other bloggers.

  21. I’d like to go because I’ve never been to such a big event before (of any sort) and it sounds amazing

  22. Oh wow, I so enjoyed reading all those comments!

    So, why would I love to go to BritMumsLive? And more to the point, why have I left it so late?? I’d love to go because having been two years ago, I would love to be inspired again by all the talks and other bloggeuses there; having been two years ago, I was a scaredy cat and didn’t’ talk to enough people, and now I am just itching to meet some of the fantastic women I’ve been chatting to and reading from; my blog is in a completely different “place” to where it was 2 years ago, and I feel like I could really reap some benefit to hearing all the wonderful tips and advice; I didn’t book a ticket, but watched from afar because I am travelling so much for work that month, that I didn’t feel it fair to take some time to myself and go… but now I do, and it’s what being More than Mama is about.

    Pick me, pick me! *jumps up and down (ok, we’re all deserving, may the best gal win!)

    • I can’t answer every comment on this post, but this one struck a chord with me. I was there for the first time 2 years ago, and terrified, and my blog has changed enormously since then. So have I and now I see it as a chance to socialize with all the brilliant contacts I’ve made, and meet some new ones – I just love it, I don’t think I’ll ever stop going! I’ll be the only Granny blogger there in my 90’s!
      I wish you could all win 🙁

  23. Oh this is wonderful!

    I would love to go to britmums. I have always been far too shy to attend blog summits and i plucked up the courage to go to tots100 blog summit in birmingham. I think i am finally ready now to go to more summits and learn everything there is about blogging. xxxx

  24. Wow, fab prize. I’d love to go to BritMums. Wish I’d had more of an idea of how annoyed I’d be not to have a ticket at this point in the year earlier and just bitten the bullet and got a ticket….
    Also – thanks for the fab tip re. Siblu – we’re just back from a weekend camping with our 2 year old and loved it, so definitely up for more camping experiences!! Thanks!
    Good luck to everyone xx


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