The one with the dodgy spelling.
For my final Wot so Funee? of the year (don’t worry, there’ll be more next week from Emma!) I decided to publish some of the funny moments I’ve found in my children over the course of the year. My trusty iPhone woke me this morning to the news that I had very little storage left, so I spent rather a long time deleting photos and video to make space. I’d forgotten some of these moments, and it was actually a lovely treat to scroll through and recapture some memories. Shocking though how much we keep on our phones and never download for posterity! I mean, what if I lost my phone, or it fell down the loo? Ahem.
Anyway, here are some of our 2014 funees:
The one where Mummy spends too much time online.
The one where GG issues threats to her brother.
The one where the Bug gets serious about his writing (and seriously cute)!
And finally, an outraged expression (I can’t remember why!), the joy of an open top car, and a protest at having to sit through a Little Mix concert and eat cherries…
What have you been doing? Show us by linking your funny or cute posts about the kids:

Loved it! 🙂 and Still laughing thinking about the cute writings! How smart and adorable the kids are now a days! And I am happy and thank god all the time for such a blessed life!
Those litle notes are SO precious. My daughter wrote a wholething at school this year about our holiday to norway and seeing the seals. Yes we did see the seals on holiday but in Norfolk!
Pahahah! Oh that’s priceless!
Big man has started writing messages now. It is pretty cute isn’t it x
Super cute! One of the best things about being a parent x
I love things like this! They are priceless. Definitely important to record them somewhere as they soon get lost and forgotten.
I saw someone suggest recently that we should put them in a self-published book, along with all their little bits of artwork and good homework (only the good stuff, mind)! I’m definitely going to do that.
Thanks for hosting Helen. My son made me promise not to show his pic online so it must forever be pixilated. Were it not for that, there’d be many ‘sweet’ photos of him telling us off! 🙂 I loved your post about spending so much time online and shared it alot – couldn’t find it today so when you have a minute ha ha can you let me know where it is please? xJo
Gosh, not sure which one that is, will have a think
Oooh I love your car (again – I saw it earlier in the year I think!) Bit chilly for an open top at the moment, but we can dream… Happy end-of-year! x
Not if you’re my husband Nell, he’ll put the top down in all weathers! *Buys woolly hat*
this is hilarious! I especially LOVE the facebook monster one! xxx
She’s kind of right though, I am 😉
Here’s hoping you’re holding onto every one of these adorable notes from the kids so that you can embarrass them when they get older… so cute x
Definitely – I’m going to make a book of them all!