Wot So Funee? All your kids!

Wot So Funee?It began last week with an erroneous tweet from Mummy. “Does anyone have an example of things children say that make you laugh?” she confidently intoned from the spaghetti junction that is her Tweetdeck account. She has a few twitter accounts – she chose the wrong one.

The first response came back:

"Things kids say"Swiftly followed by:

Now, @Ollie91 blogs, but he is by no means a Mummy Blogger. It has something to do with being a 2nd year Uni student. So Mummy got to thinking that there must be loads of people (who don’t regularly see fit to write a post about the funny things kids say and write and link it up over here) with funny quips and quotes from the kids. So she asked again, and she asked everywhere. And the quotes came in – thick and fast:

  • E has a Spica cast for her hip dysplasia. Did you know they come in different colours? Hers is purple. On seeing a black and white dog she tells her Mummy she is purple and white and Mummy is just white! Her cast is simply now an extension of her!! (Emma and 3)
  • Seasider in the City said Jacob said the other day that he only likes tomatoes in sauce or black tomatoes – you know the ones that make BBQ sauce!
  • Dorky Mum says that the political training of her offspring did not go well whilst watching the Queen’s diamond Jubilee celebrations: “I think my fave was when he looked at Camilla and asked ‘mummy, why does that lady have a pancake on her head?’
  • Erin’s quote: After eating the chocolate and orange off of a jaffa cake tonight: ‘Mommy, this jaffa cake piece looks just like toast, but not hot.’
  • “Mummy – if I have a poo will that stop my hiccups?” (Jo)

Sometimes it is just a case of twisted logic, like at Bloggomy, when my younger son asked why breasts were not called ‘chesticles’ – seems a fair question 😉 I love the way kids think outside the box… same son mentioned above asked “DO we know the hair we are going to die with” which seemed a little bizarre but what he meant was when he was an old gentleman would he have grey or white hair, be bald, no hair, etc.

Or Debbie’s ‎”We can’t buy that toilet roll. It’s for dogs.” 3yo in supermarket at Andrex. And the unfathomable Lola, from Bad Fiction: Mummy my eyes are cold, I need an apple.

Then there are the kids who have perfected the eyeroll technique (my favourite kind):

  • Domestic Goddesque has raised a good one – When DH couldn’t work the in car DVD last week, LBG said “Dad, you just don;t get it, do you?” and sighed.
  • Alex from Second Time Mummy could easily have attended the GG school of disdain:  When I told Alex “Mummy has a baby in her tummy” he burst in to tears before demanding “Spit it out mummy…quick!” Then the other day the 4 of us  were sat in the lounge when I asked ‘do you think there will always be just 4 of us or do you think we will ever have more babies in the house?’ Alex was thinking it all through and OH said I think there should be 6 of us. Ellissia who can’t even talk yet made a sound like the word “two” and Alex tutted and said “well it’s a bit late for that!” complete with tut and sigh!
  • It seems the ‘baby in the tummy’ story doesn’t go down well with many toddlers: A Matter of Choice says When I told Leo I had a baby in my tummy, he said WHY did you eat it Mummy? You need eat breakfast not baby’

You might also want to watch what you say around us kids – you never know when we might use it against you: ‎“My mummy’s bottom is white” – in the playground last week, as we’d just come back from 2 weeks in Furteventura. I was *so* proud to hear that third hand. (Cambridge Mummy). And KiddyCharts definitely need a toddler-o-meter when out in public. Says Helen How about announcing to a crowded station just as we got off the train into London, “Mummy, I am wearing pants today.” And, my daughter used to call “chocolate”, “c**khead” when she was little – she could quite get the word out right you see…wonderful when you asked her what flavour ice-cream she was after!

Then there are the just pure and simple cute things that make us awwwww rather than giggle. The other day I had a necklace on (rare event) and Joseph 3 said “oh mummy that necklace is pink and sparkly, its very beautiful and it makes you look very pretty!” I am liking Joseph from Not Even a Bag of Sugar. He may be required to give lessons in parent manipulation to J from A Mummy Too, who says “I love you most of all when you let me do what I want” – ahh, the charmer.

Finally, and just to prove that there is at least one person who can say whatever she wants to the Lady and Leader of the Tots100 without fear of hurtling into the abyss of blogger limbo, Sally Whittle says:  I woke up at 5am today with Flea next to me. “I got into your bed in my pyjamas, Mummy, but then I secretly got naked.” Which was nice.

Oh, and Wot So Funee? wouldn’t be Wot So Funee? without a bad dream from the Actually household:

The Bug: “Last night I had a nightmare – about Firefox”

Happens all the time…

Wot So Funee?

19 thoughts on “Wot So Funee? All your kids!”

  1. Haha. This lot has just given me a lovely giggle. Not that I want to wish his childhood away, but I can’t wait for the little man to start talking and saying little gems like these. Although I am a bit concerned that he already appears to have perfected the disdainful eye roll and the you-are-quite-frankly-mad look. I think he’ll be putting me in my place whether I like it or not.

    • We can’t wait either Lucy, so you can come and link them up and we can see how your life is really, not just the lovely gorgeous whiteness that we see in your pics 😉

    • I can’t believe there are so many funny things! Did you see the BritMums Twitter party today on kids questions? The one about chesticles would have gone down well 😉

  2. Brilliant post, and well done on giving all those worthy blogs a mention. Kids say some incredibly funny things that make us cringe at the time, but when we look back we realise that it was just so classically funny.

    CJ x

    • Thanks CJ. Tbh this kind of thing was the reason I started the blog in the first place – I love these quotes, and if we don’t write them down we’ll forget, and our children will never know how cute they were when they were little!

  3. This is a brilliant idea, I keep hearing these interesting sentences from them, I will make it a point to post them on twitter.. I am sure this will be an interesting thing to do!

    • That’s great – tweet me direct @actuallymummy – I may well do another compilation at some point. And if you ever write a post – link it up! We’re here every Tuesday

  4. Kids really do say the funniest things :-). Sophia comes out with some gems sometimes and I really need to try and remember them so I can come and link up

  5. Such a great post, one of the best things about children is that they add laughter to our life. Love the ‘baby in tummy’ comments and I nightmare about FireFox – I have those all the time x

  6. Actually, there are a lot of things that kids do and say that made me laugh not just now but a lot more recently.. Anyway, I just love your post here..

  7. Love the round up post. I must remember to write things down. I know we’ve had a ve ones this week but it’s so easy to forget.

  8. Children gives joy to all parents. a little thing they did makes us more happy. Though my kid and her cousin do some little tricks sometimes, still they can make me laugh about it.


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