Wot So Funee? The Bug

Wot So Funee? At what age do children really start to make sense, do you think? Recently I have uttered very little in the way of #funee verbal errors. My writing has been logical, with good spelling, and sensible dénouement. Hence I am forced to feature my 5-year-old brother today, and his best friend:

Bug: England is the capital of London
Bug’s Friend:
 Wales is in the Kingdom of the United
Bug: Manchester United?
Bug: I’m having my birthday for camping!
BF: Oh, I really wanted to miss you…
Bug: Why is your Grandad old?

"How to make Macarons"Isn’t that the most disjointed conversation you’ve ever heard?? I have no idea what goes through their heads sometimes – I mean, it’s not even #funee! Unlike this little gem that I have to share with you. I have a passion for French “Macarons.” For Christmas Mummy gave me this book, and we are slowly working our way through these recipes. We figure that once we’ve completed the entire range we may just be good enough to charge the €3.50 it costs to buy just one of these delights in France. In the meantime, ours taste better than they look 😉

Anyway, we’d just made Rose Cream Macarons and were devouring a couple. The Bug claimed he didn’t like them. His reason?

“I dunno what Roast Screams are!!!”

Poor boy looked terrified…!

Macarons by Annie Rigg, is published by Ryland Peters & Small at £9.99 hardback and is available from all good book shops.

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17 thoughts on “Wot So Funee? The Bug”

  1. Ha! Loving the random convo’s of kids. Ozzy has started talking more in the past week and now have lengthy talks with his best friend at kindergarten…but they seem to have an unwritten rule of ‘you MUST say each others name at the end of every sentence’.

    S: Hello Ozzy
    O: Hello Sam
    S: Want to play trains Ozzy?
    O: Yes please Sam
    S:What colour train do you want Ozzy?
    O: Blue please Sam
    S:I am going to the toilet now Ozzy
    O:Ok Sam

    and so on….

  2. Fantastic conversation indeed !!! They got their own style of communication :-). Let them keep going………..



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