Wot So Funee? Week 1

wot so funee badgeWelcome to my first post where you get to see what I actually write, as opposed to what Mummy helps me with. This one has been on the blog before, in the early days, and provoked such an outpouring of awwww’s and lol’s that I thought I should show it today. It is my very first shopping list, of things I wanted to buy (and do) for Mother’s day:

Wot So Funee about this?

Perfectly legible, and split into helpful sections so everyone knows what they have to do. And I remembered the shampain. So why, after all the gifts and loveliness I showered on her, did she fail to stifle the giggles when she caught sight of my list?

They never really get the Bug and his toddler-intelligence either. On holiday, he came out with this little gem over a breakfast patisserie:

  • Me: Mmm I love croissants when they’re fresh from the bakery.
  • The Bug: Actually, talking about bakeries, I’ve got a light saber.

Perfectly reasonable segue, I thought.

And finally, just to prove that even babies deserve to be taken seriously, here is an anecdote from my own past, before clever words were even on my radar:

On a sweltering hot day, to soothe my chicken-pox we headed out to the garden to chill in the paddling pool. On our return to the house Mummy said ‘Phew, the garden’s too hot.’ Being a thoughtful baby I blew on it before we closed the door. Pretty clever for a one-year-old, don’t you think?

So, what do you think? Whack up some of your own super-intelligent ramblings and let’s show the Mummies and Daddies what a clever bunch we all are. Report any parental laughing to me at once – it will not be tolerated! 😉

If you’re new to this go and take a look at the Wot So Funee main page for the rools (no laughing :x). Then come back and link up your post to the list below. Visit the other entries, then sit back and wait for the grown-ups to start squirming!

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This Linky will stay open for one week and will close next Wednesday evening.

12 thoughts on “Wot So Funee? Week 1”

  1. Update: during a discussion of the merits of the new Leap Pad vs the iPad over breakfast this morning:
    GG: I really want Skype
    Bug: And I really want Cilit Bang!
    *not giggling, honest*

  2. Just brilliant.
    And, who doesn’t want Cilit Bang! That penny trick? Awesome 🙂
    Will be thinking about my Little miss’s gems today and will post when I finish work.

  3. I hope you don’t mind but I added mine now but it doesn’t go live until 12-30pm tomorrow. Its just I’ve got loads of shopping to do tomorrow and will probably forget lol xx


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