Wot So Funee? Week 4 The Boden Catalogue

Wot So Funee?You know how when you see something in a catalogue that you really like, you mark it, maybe by turning down a corner, ticking it, or some other method of remembering it before you log-on to make the purchase? Well I do that too. I underline things, with varying degrees of intensity, depending on how much I like them, then shove it under Mummy’s nose and cross my fingers. When the new Boden catalogue arrived the other day Mummy was getting tea ready and was intrigued to hear this from my corner of the table:

Mmmmm, yummy, gotta have that, yes, ooh can’t decide, mink or blackberry….?

Here is how Mummy found the catalogue later (captions added by Mummy as a translation):

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Wot So Funee?Friday Funny

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36 thoughts on “Wot So Funee? Week 4 The Boden Catalogue”

  1. Brilliant! How old is she? I don’t think I’m looking forward to munchkin getting to that stage – she already tells me “mummy I can’t wear that, it doesn’t match!” at 2.5!

  2. Good selection of items (I’ve turned down the corners of similar pages in the baby section for T). Now when will I have discussions with her about clothes – at the moment we’re just rolling over and crawling off everytime her nappy comes off. Please tell me it’s not soon

    • Erm just about as soon as she can speak if she’s anything like GG! She has very definite ideas about colour and embellishments. I love it though, I have to say – dreading the black phase!

  3. My menace does the same, only more about toys than clothes, although he is also partial to new outfits (but generally I choose them). However the argos catalogue is looked through every evening, better than reading to sleep he thinks. Each day his christmas list gets longer, oh and the adverts,…… they bring about many requests too!!! I am learning the power of “no” more and more, and building a philosophy that disappointment is a valuable lesson for all children! Last year, at six, his christmas list was an ipad, a wii and a television for his bedroom – needless to say, he didn’t get them! You have to admit though, she has style, her choices are good! Perhaps you need to get cheaper catalogues to leave around!

  4. Ha – this did make me laugh – looked like she had underlined the whole catalogue – suggest you ask for a bulk discount! Anyway I have entered the linky as you suggested, think I have done it right and will link to your post here from mine. Right?? x

  5. Ok, this is your best yet, talk about LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, LOOOOOOOOVE the music too! By the way, I want everything that she wants too…how old am I???

  6. Ha ha! LOVE IT! What a brilliant little movie!

    My daughter does exactly the same, although she just does simple stars against each one. You should see her with the Argos catalogue near Christmas!!! I have to get extra pens ready coz she runs them out!

  7. Mine are just the same with the Lego and Argos catalogues! both have even more potential for credit card meltdown, sadly.

  8. I love it – and what fabulous taste you have. To be honest I do this too with the Boden catalogue and no one listens to me either. Humph!

  9. That is hilarious ๐Ÿ™‚ I think I used to do that with Argos catalogues. And, until recently, I used to do that with fashion magazines – and leave the magazine open on the bed or desk so Hub would see it. Never worked though ๐Ÿ™

  10. Brilliant! I would be the same on all those things! The music is fab! Linked u and then got distracted by twins who are driving me up the wall today, so sorry for delayed reply! x

    • Oh thank you! I will go and check it out. Still got to do the Versatile Blogger one that 3 lovely people have given me (haven’t forgotten btw, just getting round to it!). I am so lucky that people like me enough to give me awards – do you think maybe one day it could be an Oscar? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Of couse! Link up this week if you like – the link stays open all week. Who is it doing Silly Saturday? If she doesn’t mind I plan to link up there too. We may as well all stick together!

  11. What is it with kids and catalogues? My eldest two spent almost an hour today cutting up the Argos catalogue and sticking onto a piece of paper. Number two cried because a picture of a rug crumpled under her glue-stick.

    Have linked up my post for this week. Love the meme. Knowing my kids, we will be back again with another one.

  12. We may as well all stick together! However the argos catalogue is looked through every evening, better than reading to sleep he thinks.


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