Wot So Funee?

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Wot So FuneeAs most of you know by now, I am a loquacious girl. I even know what that means. Basically, I talk a lot, and now I know how to read, I also write a lot. I write notes to my Mummy, notices for my door, cards for my friends, and sometimes lists.

Now very often when I have written such a masterpiece, M&D take one look and burst out laughing. Very rude in my opinion. The same happens to the Bug. Being younger than me he can’t write, but sometimes he says very clever things. What do M&D do? Burst out laughing. Then they tell their friends and they all have a good laugh. I don’t get it. What exactly is so funny?

Take this as an example. Ok so my spelling wasn’t the best when I was 5, but the meaning is clear. Daddy knew exactly what I wanted to buy Mummy for her birthday, and we got it all! Job done. I even took the time to colour-coordinate my words – I’ve never seen a grown-up work this hard on a list. So I would have thought a gold star was in order!

Mothers Day shopping list

Every Tuesday I will post an example of our work, and you can see for yourselves how smart we are. I will put a linky tool in each post so that you can link up similar examples of brilliance from your children. It can be a photo of their calligraphy, a typed version of something they have written, or simply a genius utterance from your clever toddler. I will stare Mummy down and defy her to laugh at them.

Rules are simple:

  1. Write a post about your children’s linguistic accomplishments that week
  2. Include a link to the Wot So Funee? post or page so that your readers can have a laugh at everyone else
  3. Come back to Actually Mummy on Tuesday and link your post to that week’s Wot So Funee? write-up
  4. And if you are feeling generous please do steal the code for my badge and display it in your post or sidebar

  Tweet using #Funee

Steal my badge by copy/pasting the html text below:

Related Posts:

Wot So Funee? and Alphabet Thursday

Wot So Funee? Mummy’s Birthday

Wot So Funee? What kids want at Christmas

Things they teach in school these days. Wot So Funee?

Wot So Funee? Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

Wot So Funee? Where do Babies Come From?

Wot So Funee? Week 5: When I Grow Up 

Wot So Funee? Week 4: The Boden Catalogue

Wot So Funee? Week 3: Learning to Spell

Wot So Funee? Week 2

Wot So Funee? Week 1

The linky list will open on Thursday morning and will stay open until the following Wednesday, so don’t worry if you miss posting on Thursdays.

33 thoughts on “Wot So Funee?”

  1. Love this idea. My Little miss cracks me up on a daily basis so hopefully I will have some gems for this πŸ™‚ Looking forward to reading everyone elses too, children really are the best comediens! x

    • Rachel I have never laughed so much in my life as since I had kids – cried too, but let’s not go into that here! This one’s all about the laughs πŸ™‚

  2. That’s so cute! I have kept some of the “notes” my daughter has written – I figure I’ll give them to her as a 21st birthday present so she can see how far she’s come (and have a laugh too)! Great idea. xo

  3. So you know I feel then cause you had the same thing happen to this wonderful meme! Why can’t people just come up with their own ideas? Sheesh! I think this idea is fantastic and I’m sure everyone knows where it originated and hopefully they will all return here…….I like it here!!

  4. Fab idea! I have my first post to link up already πŸ™‚ can’t wait to see them all. Kids say the funee-est things! Xx

  5. My kids say stuff all the time, now I’m blogging I’ll have to note them all down. I’m sure I could fill a few pages with the stuff they say πŸ™‚

    Fab idea, can’t wait to get involved x

  6. Isn’t it funny how you teach the children to talk – then spend much of the rest of their childhood saying SHHHHHH!
    My post this week is all about things I would rather my children had not said – specifically from a table top at school thereby busting the whole Sex Ed business wide open!
    A good week here!

  7. Love love this idea. Kids are so clever and entertaining when they are learning to speak. I do a Phrase Day Friday about my tots funny new sayings. It’s not a linky just doing it each week because we are at the stage where the funny things are flying out daily. I hope this still is ok to link up. If not just tell me. When he is able to write definitely post those as a link up with you as well. Great linky!!!!!

    • Of course – come over on Tuesdays and link up – it will be lovely to have you! People link up all sorts, as long as it’s about kids and what they do and say that’s funny everything goes πŸ™‚


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