Latest Funee Posts

Sensational wedding sweets: Wot so Funee? (Review)

You cannot fail to have noticed that we had a wedding-style celebration in our family recently. The party was truly epic, complete with Abba band, fireworks and fizz on arrival. Being only 9, the Prosecco was completely disinteresting for me, so I insisted on another kind of wedding favour treat to be handed out to the children: Wedding Sweets from The Gobstopper A few weeks before the big event the Bug and I went through The Gobstopper’s website searching for appropriate treats. The conversation went something like this: Bug: Where are the bonbons? Me: Ohh yes bonbons, but they have …

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Our wedding readings to Mum and Dad: Wot so Funee?

Not a misappropriated word or witty anecdote this week, simply a reiteration of wedding readings my brother and I made at M&D’s vow renewals. Some cute, some funny, all endearing, and for some reason made my Mum cry. Can’t think why, I did my bit perfectly! GG’s reading, from A Lovely Love Story, by Edward Monkton: The fierce Dinosaur was trapped inside his cage of ice. Although it was cold he was happy in there. It was, after all, his cage. Then along came the Lovely Other Dinosaur. The Lovely Other Dinosaur melted the Dinosaur’s cage with kind words and loving thoughts. I …

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When I grow up: Wot so Funee?

By the Bug I’ve discovered a new passion at school, and so I have decided what I’m going to be when I grow up. We’ve been learning about science, watching cheese, and bread and acorns fester and go mouldy in our classroom. I’ve seen films about scientists, and I like the look of what they do in their labs. So when I grow up I’m going to be a scientist. I announced this fact to my family just the other day: “I’m learning to be a good scientist, so I might be a bit busy sometimes when I come home …

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Bullies: Wot so Funee?

Short and sweet for us this week, but here’s one from The Bug: I’m delighted to confirm that I have moved up 3 book levels in my first half term of Year 2 at school. I’m particularly taken with a book series about Big Barry Baker. I’m less keen on my mother’s attempts to focus me on the wider issues in the text I’m reading. We recently read Big Barry Baker and the Bullies. Two chapters, and I read them very well, thank you. Then begins the inquisition: “Why do you think children become bullies?“ She begins to quiz me. “They’re …

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Wot so Funee? Violin Practice

by GG… Mummy and Daddy went out last week. They left us with the babysitter, and the strict instruction to go to bed after 10 minutes of TV. Then I remembered I had to brush my teeth. Then I remembered to go to the toilet. Then I remembered to tidy up my books. Then I remembered to do my violin practice. I made a pact with the babysitter to wear that all of it only took 10 minutes. Then I had to come down and write Mummy a note. I left it outside my door. Now, if you have your …

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Pocket Money: Wot so Funee?

From the lips of the Bug… I have an axe to grind with Mummy. You see, we’re supposed to get £2 each every Saturday, but we forget to ask, or she forgets to pay, or we’re out without money when we remind her. It’s all very convenient… She has promised to set up a Roosterbank or PKTMNY account for us so that money can be sent magically from her account to ours every week by pocket money fairies. I’m not exactly sure how I get it out of there to spend it, but I’m not fussy, if it’s in my …

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Taking a bet: Wot so Funee?

Conversations in the back of the car: GG: Talking of bets (were we?) Jodie owes me £3.20 The Bug: Why? GG: Because I bet her that she couldn’t do 7 sums in 5 minutes, and she did, and I was going to pay her, but when they came back corrected, she’d got 3 wrong, so she lost. Mummy: Why £3.20? That’s an odd amount. GG: *sighs* Because I already owed her £2.20 from when she bet me I couldn’t go all day without touching my face, and I nearly did it but forgot at the last minute. So then we …

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Spider Webs: Wot so Funee?

On the School Run “It’s like the spiders have made England into an adventure playground…” Spider webs in the mist I had a whole other #funee lined up for today, but after the school run this morning I couldn’t resist this one. Because that’s the best thing about a Mummy blog – the small moments with your children that make you smile on a misty morning. Now, if you have your own post to link this week, grab the badge code from the sidebar, and click the link below to enter your post – I can’t wait to see what …

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Freakishly weird: Wot so Funee?

Oh brother of mine, you are freakishly weird but I love you. This, on our way home from school last week caused some bemused looks from my mother. Was this a compliment or a slur? Was it designed to make the Bug happy, or as a put-down of the most withering variety? Who knows? It’s just something I say. I was asked to elaborate: He is freakishly weird because he loves Skylanders so much. That, no-one can argue over – he is, and he does. You, Mummy, are freakishly weird because you’re just too organised. Daddy is freakishly weird because …

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National Geographic Kids magazine: Wot so Funee?

For about a year now we’ve been subscribers to National Geographic Kids magazine. It costs us about £30 a year, and I can honestly tell you it’s the best thirty quid we spend in terms of value for money for the kids. GG especially reads it cover to cover, fills in everything she’s asked to, attempts every craft, and enters every single competition! Ok so it actually costs us a bit more, by the time you factor in the cost of stamps and envelopes for all the comps 😉 With features on topical news (they covered the Olympics) as well …

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10 tips for kids to help with times tables: Wot so Funee?

Image credit I’m doing ok with my times tables. Mummy comes in to test my class on their progress, so she knows that compared to the rest of my class I’m doing well. I know my 2/3/4/5/9/10/11 tables by rote, by random question, and by division question, so it’s all good. However, my best friend has completed every single one of her times tables challenges, and received 25 house points to boot. I find this unacceptable, and so I’m adamant that my goal on return to school in a week’s time is to nail those pesky stragglers 6/7/8 and 12. …

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Kids comic strips: Wot so Funee?

A couple of years ago, on holiday in western France, in an attempt to keep the kids still on the beach for slightly longer than the five minutes we were used to expecting, Actually Daddy inadvertently invented a kids comic strips character. That day we had eaten ham baguette for our picnic lunch… The kids comic strips that endure The story of Ham Baguette Man was an instant hit, and as Mummy curled up with a Jodi Picoult and pretended to doze, the Bug and I begged Daddy daily for the next instalment. He didn’t really mind, he is rather …

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Give Me 5 Minutes, I’ll Give You The Truth About Book Editors

Hi all, Bug here. I don’t often write on the blog; I don’t often write at all – it’s not my favourite think. So when my first book came home in my folder of accomplishments from my year 1 work, Mummy was surprised to find my first book in there, complete with front cover and jacket blurb. I’ll admit it’s an epic achievement. I pulled out all the stops, avoided sticks for an age (!), and applied myself to my writing. Mummy was so impressed she published it. She edited it first – she so missed her rightful career, that one! Click …

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Inventions by children: Wot so Funee?

School’s out, and so is all my schoolwork. Out of the classroom, and into my schoolbag, to be dumped unceremoniously on the hall floor, where it will stay for the next six weeks. If I have my way, which I never do, obviously! *Huffs.* So Mummy rummaged through all my stuff, and emerged clutching this: I call it the Water Extreme 200017. So called because parts of the world are extremely short on water, and I’m pretty sure that at least 200,017 people are affected. So I have invented this for them. As you can see, it collects rainwater, filters it clean, …

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My dream: a Wot so Funee? post

The end of the school year signals the arrival of the school report and an invitation for the grown-ups to enter the previously mysterious arena of the classroom. We’re super proud of GG’s report this year, so in we went, expecting to be impressed. In Key Stage 2 there is less contact between teachers and parents, and less finished work comes home in book bags for random viewing. Instead it gets logged, and displayed (this is one of the Ofsted key measurements). Creative writing has been one of GG’s major focus areas this year, and she’s really improved. So we …

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Observational drawing: Wot so Funee?

Is it just me who finds this funny? I’ve been away to BritMums Live this weekend, and when I came home with the irascible Mammasaurus, who was staying the night at ours, this “observational drawing” was awaiting me, courtesy of my daughter. Normally I would find it nothing short of charming, an example of the work she is currently immersed in at school. But it appears to be a blogging congratulations 😕 I am further confused by the fact that I am only the second named recipient of this award, Annie herself looking like the more important winner. I think …

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Athlete’s Foot: Wot so Funee?

Image credit  Very short, but very snort-worthy this week. A quick story about athlete’s foot, from a friend of mine. Finishing off her bath-time routine, E notices the tin of athlete’s foot spray perched on the corner of the bath: E “Oh, by the way Mum, that stuff doesn’t work.” Mum: “What do you mean?” E: *shrugs* “Just that it doesn’t work, I sprayed some on my feet and it made no difference.” Mum: “What? Why did you spray it on your feet?” E: *huffs* “Well, obviously, I wanted to run faster. Like I said, it doesn’t work…” Wot? Wot so Funee? …

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How to make your parents work less and play more with you: Wot so Funee?

If your parents are anything like mine, they spend far too much time working, and not enough time paying attention to their children. If that sounds familiar, I have a top tip for ensuring you get a full afternoon of decent engagement out of them. Just follow these step-by-step instructions. Getting them to work less and play more Insist on being taken to a grown-up’s party the day before you hatch your plan. Bear with me here, there is very good reason for this. Endure the 2 hour journey with a minimum of whining. On arrival, politely thank your hosts …

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Make believe: when will it stop? Wot so Funee?

 Seriously? Give me a break! When does make believe stop? At “coming up to 9” I’m a tiny bit pleased that GG still holds firm to make-believe. But seriously, I wonder if I’m being played? *Sighs* anyone know where I can get mermaid stationery? In bulk…? Now, if you have your own post to link this week, grab the badge code from the sidebar, and click the link below to enter your post – I can’t wait to see what you have! It’s not obligatory, but if you include a link back here in your own post, I’ll return the …

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