Wot So Funee?

Wot So Funee? Boys vs Girls

Many’s the time I despair of my brother. Boys just don’t get real life. Too wrapped up in dinosaurs and space. I prefer to dedicate my spare time to the pursuit of real life possibilities, such as becoming a princess and marrying a prince, flying high on a rose-covered swing, and drifting across the bridge of a glittering pond. In a secret garden. The Bug copies pretty much everything I do. I should be flattered really, but the thing is, he just doesn’t do it right. It’s because he’s a boy. Here’s his secret garden: It has a space ship, …

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Restaurant Critic: Wot So Funee?

There is a restaurant that I love. It is in Felixstowe, near Grandma’s house, and its name is The Alex. I have written about the Alex and its luminous loos before, and I never tire of toilet trips here. Add the fact that they serve an adult-friendly dish called “Scallops with chorizo and black pudding” (!!!*?!), as well as a child-friendly sausage and chips, and it really is a no brainer. Grandma’s treat is always at the Alex. Now the Alex is a classy establishment, always updating their menu, and constantly seeking feedback from the customer. Last time we went, …

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Forest School

Hands up if you know what Forest School is? Here’s what we did in forest school this week: Found a worm Rescued that worm from being stamped on by Pippa. She thinks it’s funny, but I feel sorry for the worm, even though it looks gross Built a house for the worm, using sticks to form a teepee-style dwelling Constructed a swing with twigs and grass Checked that our teacher wasn’t noticing, before we…. Put the worm on the swing (using a stick, obviously, I could’t possibly touch an actual worm!) and gave it a push Put the worm to …

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Note to the Easter Bunny: Wot So Funee?

Ok, so not really funee this week, more “aw I’m so proud” moment, as Mummy read (and ignored) my final missive to the Easter Bunny. I have written several, on my own behalf as well as the Bug’s, and Mummy claims the Bunny will not be able to keep up with changes. You see, we are gifted so much chocolate by relatives that Mummy goes demented looking at the confectionary counter in our kitchen for the next 3 months. Therefore we ask the Easter Bunny to bring us an alternative gift. Or a voucher: Don’t forget, Bunny, it has to …

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If you give a girl 5 minutes…. Wot So Funee?

If you give a girl 5 minutes she could: Make a new potion for her “potion club” …… using bubble bath, soap, toothpaste, lipgloss, body glitter …. and nail polish Clean up the sink with toilet paper….. and try to wash the evidence down the plug hole Create a swimming pool for her Barbies….. and forget to switch the tap off Have a paddle… Try to mop up an inch deep of water on the bathroom floor….. with toilet paper Admit to her mistake….. and not be able to keep a straight face Today is Wot So Funee? but last …

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How to Blog – Video Tutorial: Wot So Funee?

I am thrilled to welcome back an old favourite. This type of post, showcasing the funny things our children say and write, was the very reason I began this blog, and what better way to bring back the #funee than with a video tutorial on how to blog and use social media. Ladies and Gents, I give you – GG, all her own work: Do your kids make you laugh? Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list… <a href=”http://staging.actuallymummy.co.uk/wot-so-funee” title=”Wot So Funee?” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://staging.actuallymummy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/WotSoFuneeBadge.gif” alt=”Wot So Funee?” style=”border:none;” /></a> I am trilled and elated to …

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It’s SunFun!

Friend, whilst having torch shone into her eyes by annoying little brother:Stop shining that light in my eyes Brother: But I’m torchering you! And here’s something else to make you laugh – on Monday Mummy is going to be on 3 Counties Radio, wittering to Nick Coffer, who sounds very lovey and professional. That’s bound to be funny. Tune in between 1pm and 2pm on 95.5fm to hear what stuff and nonsense she talks about, and then you’ll know what I have to put up with 24:7 😉 Now, did you write something funny this week? Stick a link in …

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Sunday Funny! Yorkshire Pudding and other Bugisms

Today with #SunFun I am going back to my Wot So Funee? roots. Mummy jots down our funny incidents for posts such as these, and has been trawling her note book for inspiration. She has decided to have a good old clearout, so here are some gems from our daily life for you to giggle at: As you know, the Bug is doing very well with his learning to read, but at the very beginning he was a bit of a chancer. He and Mummy were looking at a First Words book, and to get him started she sounded out …

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Wot So Funee? The final post…

This is my final post on Wot So Funee? So it needs to be a spiffing example of my literary and phonetic genius so that I can exit this meme in true loquacious style! And if you make it to the end, I’ll let you into a little secret about where I am headed next! My teacher (let’s call her Mrs Coolcross – because she does occasionally read this blog, occasionally gets cross with me, but is actually quite cool) is a fan of craft. Craft, and the big outdoors. She has introduced us recently to Forest School, where we …

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Wot so Funee?

I wrote a post recently about how parent’s birthdays are so much better now that we kids are involved. It must have been so boring just waking up late and going out to dinner before we came along. Anyway, I neglected to showcase the birthday greeting I wrote for Mummy, and she found it both touching and funee, although quite what there was to laugh about was beyond me at the time. Grown-ups! Expatriating! So here it is, the finest birthday greeting any Mummy could want from her child (apart from the early start, the squeals of delight, and the …

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Funny things kids do at Christmas

Ever wondered what we kids think about Christmas? Of course we want Santa to come, but maybe we want family, lovely food, songs about the baby Jesus? Nope, as far as kids are concerned, this is what Christmas is all about: And I mean ‘everything’ important. There is nothing else. Shallow, aren’t we? Although, before I knew too much about presents, I did learn the Christmas story, all about the baby Jesus, the shepherds, and the kings. I proudly told Mummy and Daddy the facts, and answered their questions. Mummy asked what gifts the kings brought and I firmly announced: …

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The Things They Teach in School These Days! Wot So Funee

I was having a chat with Mummy the other day about school in the olden days. She laughed when I asked her if they had school when she was young and if she went. I thought it was a pretty reasonable question given how little she knows about the things they teach in school. I am 7 and I already know more than her. This is a synopsis of several post-schoolday interactions we have had over the last few weeks: Mummy: What did you learn today? GG: Oh just Symbolism in Hindu worship…. GG: I was sad today because I …

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Wot So Funee? 7 Where Do Babies Come From?

A while ago we had one of those conversations with Mummy. Being a brother and sister combo we are well-aware of the differences between boys and girls. Girls are in charge, boys must learn to do as they’re told. Oh, and boys have willies. Because they need something to fiddle with. Girls have long hair for that. Anyway, it occurred to me to ask how come boys can’t have babies. Mummy, thinking she’s super-smart, and heeding the advice to answer all such questions honestly, with no more detail than necessary, gives me technically correct answers: Well, boys have two holes, …

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Wot So Funee? 6

Toilet Humour. We love it! There is nothing funnier than a fart, and to prove it several toys have been manufactured in the name of good old-fashioned toilet fun. My brother won a prime example in a game at my birthday party last week. Here it is in action: Yes, we are sad and pathetic, but I bet you laughed too, didn’t you! Slightly different take on the #funee theme today and next week we will be back to talking about how clever I am again, but we just couldn’t resist this! What clever and funee things are your children doing this week? Link up your …

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Wot So Funee? 5: When I Grow Up

A very simple Wot So Funee? post from us this week as it is half-term and we have been running Mummy ragged all week playing games, taking trips, putting on fashion-shows: y’know, the kind of thing that needs a lot of tidying up afterwards. Consecutively she has not had a lot of spare time for doing clever-clogs vlogs! Whilst Mummy regresses to childish fun this week, we have been thinking about what we want when we grow up. For me this is simple, I have always wanted to be the one in charge. I want to decide what I do, and when; …

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Wot So Funee? Spelling is….

This week Wot So Funee? is all about spelling in the Actually Mummy household; specifically, the differences in ability between me and the Bug at our different stages of the literacy journey. It is also Mummy’s first attempt at a Vlog, which is quite funny in itself! Spot the edits 😉 Now Mummy tells me that I was equally as bad at putting together words when I was the Bug’s age, but I find that difficult to believe, don’t you? Now go ahead and link up your own #funee posts with the linky tool below. Then go visit the other …

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Funny things kids say – The Bug aged 4

kids laughing

Funny things kids say Diary entry. GG. Age 6 1/4 I like to think that I speak rather well. From the moment of my first utterance Daddy has been priming me with the most elaborate and un-childlike words he can think of. Usually when he has nothing much else to do, such as when supervising the bath. Hence my ability to correctly enunciate the term ‘dermatologically formulated’ before the age of two. He believes it will make me sound more intelligent as I grow up, but the more usual reaction is fits of giggles from Mummy, or bemused stares from strangers. Obviously the Bug uses …

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