Children’s book review: Gorgeous George and the Giant Geriatric Generator

By Stuart Reid. Illustrated by Calvin Innes.

Gorgeous George and the Giant Geriatric Generator is the debut children’s book by Stuart Reid, a Scottish author who knows about the kind of humour children like. Whilst Mummy turned up her nose at the poo incident I describe below, I have to confess that it was my favourite section of the book! George witnesses some sinister goings on out of his bedroom window, and so begins a mystery that he must solve; false teeth and soggy teabags lead him on a mission to discover why his village is so miserable!

Review: Gorgeous George and the Giant Geriatric Generator

"Book Review: Gorgeous George and the Giant Geriatric Generator"
It may look pink, but it’s so not!

As you know, I do suffer from “boy-humour-itis,” so it will hardly raise an eyebrow when I point out that an author who describes his content as

Bogies, baddies, bagpipes and bums! Farting, false teeth and fun!

is absolutely my cup of Fanta. Yes, I know I’m supposed to enjoy more classical stuff, and I do posess a copy of Noel Streatfield’s Ballet Shoes, but really I’m much happier getting down and dirty with the sneaky tricks in this book!

"Drawing by Calvin Innes"Mummy says that this is probably not a book that Grandma would enjoy, nor one we should tell my teacher about, but it is a really good read, with enough intrigue and challenge for a good 7+ reader to covertly snigger over. Far from being naff, it is linguistically complex enough to give me some challenge, but interesting enough to keep me wanting to learn more, so it ticks all the boxes!

Gorgeous George & the Giant Geriatric Generator is available from bookstores and online retailers, or via My Little Big Town books.

We were given this book for the purposes of review, however the opinions are all mine!

1 thought on “Children’s book review: Gorgeous George and the Giant Geriatric Generator”

  1. This just in! Grandma has emailed me to say:

    “May I say (all old people do not smell of wee) !!!! from very ruffled feathers !!!!”

    Sorry Grandma but you’ll have to speak to the illustrator – it was him that said it!


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