Expressions #18: panic

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NB: Expresssions will be taking a break for the next two weeks. I’m finding it hard to keep up with posts as well as spending decent time with the children during the school holiday, so I’m taking some time out. If you’d like to continue with weekly #expressions do please tag me on twitter and I’ll happily read and share. Expressions will be back on 23 August. For now, go ahead and add your links to this week’s post.

We took advantage of the good weather to celebrate the Bug’s birthday with a BBQ, inviting his best friend to come and help christen his new football goal. We invited a friend for GG as well, and once the football, burgers, and loom banding was out of the way, the inevitable happened. The hosepipe came out. But far from cooling these two down, it sent them into a frenzy of panic, requiring water guns and umbrellas in defence against the girls.

Such brave warriors ๐Ÿ˜‰


8 thoughts on “Expressions #18: panic”

  1. Hehe like the summer fear of getting soaked. Unfortunately we have rain now all week and next week ๐Ÿ™ Our summers probably nearly over.


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