Mustachioed – The Gallery

This week Sticky Fingers has given us the challenge ‘Mustachioed’ for our photo blog posts. Not being brave enough to put one on myself (the moustache would probably look better than any of the individuals in my family given the lack of sleep that’s been going on around here), and not owning a dog, we decided to plagiarise an idea from Toy Story 3.

17 thoughts on “Mustachioed – The Gallery”

    • S’ok, feel free to comment as much as you like! Always good to know people are reading, even if it is twice in one night 🙂

  1. Love your take on the theme! It prompted me to search for our Toy Story magnets from Mr Potato Head. And look what happened to our LEGO drinking bottle man! It’s all on the blog! Hope to catch up again with you soon x


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