The perfect family holiday

What's your perfect family holiday?

What’s your idea of the perfect family holiday? Have you done it yet, or does it still sit tantalisingly on the horizon, waiting for the perfect time, the right age, the correct bank balance?!

I wrote about my dream holiday on Space In Your Case recently – a trip to that little piece of heaven that are the Maldives. And it was indeed a dream come true. Adventurers at heart, we had worried that we might be bored on a luxury island, but our water villa, surrounded by baby sharks, and a glorious array of food and hospitality could never have been boring. It was the ultimate in blissful indulgence, and we have never forgotten a moment of it.

Our perfect family holiday.

But that was long ago, before we became a family, and our dreams changed. I find that with children, your idea of a perfect family holiday alters as they grow. In our first year as parents the idea of a crêche was nirvana for our sleep-deprived souls; as my daughter grew to adore the Macarena, the perfect holiday involved cheesy entertainment and a table at the back sporting a large bottle of wine! Then the children learned to swim, and water parks were the prime requirement for our family break.

Family skiing is easier than you'd think

Last year our dream changed yet again, as both our children mastered the confidence and physical ability to try skiing. We became Mark Warner Family ambassadors, and were lucky enough to spend a week in Val d’Isère learning how to take our passion for the pistes to another level as our children learned to love the holidays we had loved as a couple. It was a defining holiday for our family, as we became a family that skis, and our house is currently littered with brochures telling of Christmas in the snow.

What’s your perfect holiday? Are you skiers like us, are would you love somewhere far-flung and exotic like a holiday in Sri Lanka? Do you just love weekend breaks? Or maybe even a cruise is your idea of a great family holiday?

As the year ends Mark Warner are searching for their next set of family ambassadors, another group of families to experience their sun or snow holidays, and to create their own set of perfect family memories. For a chance to win the opportunity to be a Mark Warner family in 2015, all you need to do is write a blog post about your perfect family holiday. For more details on how to enter, go to the 2015 Mark Warner Ambassador page. You have until 14 December to enter.

I can tell you, the team at Mark Warner are fantastic to work with, and their holidays are special. I will hand over our baton to the next ambassador with a huge dose of envy! Good luck!

Mark Warner operate a variety of family-friendly trips, including ski and summer holidays. Explore the huge variety on their website.

Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links. All opinion, editorial and imagery is our own, and may not be copied without permission.

13 thoughts on “The perfect family holiday”

  1. OK, so it’s not strictly a holiday (though after my corporate chains, it felt that way), but our 6 month jaunt around Latin America (does that sound like a brag???) with our 4 kids, youngest 2 and a half, was the best thing we’d ever done. Bar none.

    Holidays with families often get knocked (it’s not a holiday any more), or sanitised (yes it was fun for the little ones), but I genuinely don’t believe it has to be that way.

    I wonder if they’ll accept our 3 year old blog site ( as an entry 😉

    • Always worth a try! I agree, and also think it’s as much of a holiday as you want it to be, if you embrace whatever it is your child is loving about it. Once I’d stopped fighting that and changed my approach, we started having some of the best holidays! A bit different to before, but still brilliant!

  2. Aw doesn’t Bug look so cute in the snow! I’m glad you had such a good experience with Mark Warner, and I’m more determined than ever to enter now. We LOVED our trip to Levante – tbh I’m an unofficial ambassador anyway, as I find it hard not to rave about it….

  3. Well now we know the MW summer hols are so fab, we’re hoping to try out one of their ski hols too….just working on my ambassador post at the moment! 🙂

  4. Your winter holiday looks amazing and it’s something we’ve always wanted to try with the little ones but they were just too small. Now at 7 and 3 I think they’d love it, esp as their roller skating and skate boarding desires are insatiable at the moment!! To be a MW ambassador? Well, that would be a dream come true!

  5. Couldn’t agree more that holidays evolve after you have kids. And our last vacations were mostly spent doing multi-centre holidays in the US to keep the teens out of mischief.
    Good luck to everyone who’s entering the Mark Warner Ambassador competition x

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