Starstruck at Madame Tussauds Blackpool

Madame Tussauds Blackpool One Direction

The stars at Madame Tussauds Blackpool.

On our recent trip to Blackpool we paid a visit to Madame Tussauds. We’d heard that someone rather famous, and very very important was going to be there, so we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to meet them… 😉 We’ve visited Tussauds in London previously, and whilst it is undoubtedly a spectacular day trip, it is massively busy, which can be a bit stressful with young children. Madame Tussauds Blackpool was refreshing though; all the wow of the same stars, without such a big crowd. We did still have to queue up to see this lot, but hey, that’s all part of the fame-hunting, isn’t it?

We spent a long time in the sporting section, winning Olympic gold with Mo Farah, doing sit-ups with David Beckham, and wondering who on earth the darts players were. The main draw for the Bug though, was the trophy, and I won’t tell you what he said to Wayne Rooney about his World Cup performance, although he may have a slight dent in his shin now…

Football mad Madame Tussauds Blackpool

Next up the hall of music fame, and GG got a makeover that was, quite frankly, terrifying! I can’t wait for the teenage years to come. (I really can..).

Madame Tussauds Blackpool Makeover

I breathed a sigh of relief as we headed into the next room and the stars became a little less risqué.

Climbing the walls with Spiderman at Madame Tussauds Blackpool

Shrek at Madame Tussauds Blackpool

If you’re taking a trip to Blackpool I’d definitely recommend stopping off at Madame Tussauds. It’s a really fun afternoon for all ages, easy to get round, and right in the middle of the rest of Blackpool’s action, so perfect for families.

For more information visit Madame Tussauds Blackpool. Our family ticket was courtesy of Madame Tussauds for the purposes of review, but all opinion, editorial and images are our own.

6 thoughts on “Starstruck at Madame Tussauds Blackpool”

  1. We’ve been a couple of times and it’s a great day out. One Direction weren’t there when we went though – they must have still been on tour 😛
    How big is The Bug now!! H’es almost a young man 🙂

  2. Oh your trip looks brilliant – and so much calmer than the London MT which is always rammed, you’re right!
    Looks like there’s lots of interesting ‘stars’ for the children and I love the idea of having a characters room – after all, to the children Spiderman et al are real so why wouldn’t they be here?!
    Cool photos


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