Should I Support Ipswich or Chelsea?

I don’t know if any of you are football fans, but a subject which often comes up in our house is which team the Bug and me should support. Daddy’s home team is Ipswich, but since these days we live a lot closer to Chelsea and Arsenal (and because, let’s face it Ipswich are rubbish) Mummy argues that we could get more out of supporting a premiership team that actually has a chance of winning something 😉 This debate gets quite heated when other adults are involved. (Whoever said it is possible to have a grown-up argument has quite clearly …

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I Want a Puppy – Dear So and So…

Last week Mummy wrote about not getting a puppy. It is now the Bug’s turn to respond: Dear Teacher…I want a puppy. We need to work on Mummy. You made a good start by giving me ‘Star of the Week.’ She is beginning to soften. If you could just fix it so I get a Headteacher’s certificate soon I think we might be in with a chance. Yours conspiratorially, The one who sits very still at circle time. Dear Little Rhino….Thanks for having my back with Mummy. Remember to drive that nail in a little more every time you see …

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On not getting a puppy: Why show and tell is dangerous

Mummy doesn’t get out on this blog much,  as it is MINE! But allow me to indulge her today and read what she has to say for a change. Pleaaase? Dear The Bug’s Teacher….. We.Are.Not.Getting.A. Puppy. End of. Don’t believe him when he says it is really cute, and that he will be bringing it in for ‘show and tell’ soon, because it does not exist. Love, Mrs Bugged. Dear Schoolmums….. We.Are.Not.Getting.A.Puppy. You can stop texting me now asking when you and your children can come and visit our new puppy. It does not exist. Love, the harrassed one on …

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A-Z of Me

If you are a regular reader of this blog you will know pretty much everything there is to know about me. However, I have been asked some questions by Mum of One  around the alphabet. Now I know my A-Z extreemely well, being a speed-reader and all, so let me see if I can conjure up some lesser known points of interest around the Glib Girl and Bug: A is for Anorak: Do you have a sad side? Well, my right side is the one I sleep on, so that must me my happiest, right? Ergo, my sad side is on the left! …

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Happy Memories – The Gallery

My little brother had his very first day at school last week. Many photos were taken with pride, but I suspect that this will be the one which makes us laugh and remember that day in years to come. This is not the Bug. It is Darth Vader, and when Darth Vader (you have to say the Vader or he will not answer) is asked what he wants for tea, he will answer in his Darth Vader voice. If you need clarification, he will repeat it for you, but only in the voice. Anyway, Darth was so excited to be …

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School Shoes

There were tears on the playground this morning as my scuffed old school shoes bounded down the steps into my new classroom. The tears were not mine, nor were they shed on my behalf; I’m an old hand at this lark now, as you can see by the slightly scruffy appearance of my patent leather. No, the tears belonged with another pair of shoes; the brand new shiny ones on the left; the ones that have never seen the inside of a school …..until today. I bid the Bug good luck, with instructions on where to meet me on the …

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Playday: Low-cost tips for playing outdoors!

The Bug and me love playing Moshi Monsters. We like playing outdoors, but we love playing Moshi Monsters. So when Mummy said that today is Playday, we were thrilled! Then she clarified that Playday is when everyone has to play outdoors, and we groaned. Add to this the fact that money is scarce, and we have to find low-cost things to do as well! Ok then. Apparently 42% of children have never made a daisy chain. Well that I can understand, fiddly little seedlings. But a similar number have never climbed a tree! That got me off my swivel-chair – …

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3 Word Gallery

His Father’s Son I think I’ve mentioned Daddy’s love of stock car racing. He is desperate to race himself, but Mummy won’t let him for fear of what could happen. So he contents himself with dragging us to race meetings every now and then. I take a stack of books and beg for ice-cream, sweets, chips, airhorns, anything to create a diversion and get me through the day. The Bug takes an altogether more fanatical stance on the event, showing up with his picnic chair and settling in for the duration. Does the pink Disney princess chair bother him? Not …

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Not a Perfect Parent: the One Where Mums Lose the Plot

My Mummy is perfect. Most of the time. At least, I think she is. Which is why, when she’s cross with me – and after my frustration at the injustice of it all has dissipated – I write her little notes to say sorry. It works like magic. I get a hug, she says she’s sorry too, and if I really lay it on her I may even get some apology chocolate. Seriously, Mummy is a moody mare at times. She once (in a good mood) called herself ‘silly old Mummy’. She laughed when we agreed. I tried it again, to …

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Boys don’t wanna have fun (if it involves the Royal family!)

Wedding fever has gripped at least part of the nation this weekend. Naturally, I have been caught up in this, attending the screening of the event at my school in my best wedding dress (I have 2, just in case). As the bride walked down the aisle I gripped Mummy’s hand and shed a couple of tears, the emotion of this real-life fairy tale being too much for me to contain. I then managed a disdainful glare at the handful of boys who had been dragged, no doubt kicking and screaming, to the event, only to indulge themselves in playfighting …

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Funny things kids say – The Bug aged 4

kids laughing

Funny things kids say Diary entry. GG. Age 6 1/4 I like to think that I speak rather well. From the moment of my first utterance Daddy has been priming me with the most elaborate and un-childlike words he can think of. Usually when he has nothing much else to do, such as when supervising the bath. Hence my ability to correctly enunciate the term ‘dermatologically formulated’ before the age of two. He believes it will make me sound more intelligent as I grow up, but the more usual reaction is fits of giggles from Mummy, or bemused stares from strangers. Obviously the Bug uses …

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Cute things my brother says.

So, we’re watching Dumbo last night (I know, it’s not the visual masterpiece of Disney’s more recent creations, but it’s only 60 minutes long, and that’s how much time we had before the much anticipated final of Dancing on Ice). We get to the bit where the hallucinatory dancing elephants morph into various incarnations. Bug finds all this hilarious, until one of the elephants is hit by lightening. ‘Ouch’ he says. ‘That would of stinged’ . Bit of an understatement, I thought, but hey, fairly perceptive for a 3 year old!

What a Nightmare! Top tip for dealing with bad dreams

Last night I had a nightmare. I was in the final of Strictly Come Dancing (yes, of course I’m that good). For some reason we had drawn the short straw and instead of being in a glitzy ballroom we were in the school hall. Not only that, but the head judge was a sorcerer, whose modus operandi was to throw dirt in the loser’s face. Now, 6 years of experience has taught me that the waking up of Mummy is only to be tackled after much consideration. So when I awoke, sweaty and indignant at the injustice of my subconscious ballroom failure, I …

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